when you know !!!


i know this sound’s mad but at a time’s like this , i think this is how you get,
i sit in the bath and start to look for things not that i want to find them but, i am scared that this bugger has gone some where else… is this normal???
i have been getting lots of bad heads at the top of my neck and back ack… is this worry from the news i have had and what i have been going through the last 4 week’s
is it stress…

sal x

I think it probably is- you become more aware of your body.
I would say that you will be getting the best screening ever so if there was anything else it will be picked up so try and relax- easier said I know- but you are in good hands now.

Keep Strong


thanks i know but you just cant help feeling like that

i dont think i will ever be the samr anymore

sal x

You will find a stronger you eventually


Hi Sal

The big problem when you have been diagnosed with cancer is that everything you now get wrong with you will be cancer in your mind. I think this is normal and part of process. My guess is that your headaches are definitely stress related. I used to suffer so badly from those i convinced myself I had a brain tumour or something. A few trips to the osteopath sorted it out. I am no doctor but I would think if your pain was due to a cancerous spead in your brain (which is what you might think it is?) then you would be extremely ill, vomitting, dizzy etc. As Mary, said, you will get used to this. It is early days and you have had a major shock - be kind to yourself.


… i don’t want this to sound trivial but an eye test might be a good idea …

I had awful lheadaches before I got the right glasses!

love FB xxx

Hi Sal,
I’m sure what you experiencing is the result of all the stress. I went through very similar and would feel quite woozy as well. When I look back it was around the most stressful times like dx, the op and results time. It did ease off as I learnt to relax again. My daughter is a physio and she would give my neck a massage which always helped.
Good luck with your treatments.
Caz x