I can recommend fizzy water[sipped not slurped]and sucking fruit juice ice lollies during chemo[take in cool bag or wide thermos].I was only sick one each time and no nausea.lol xx
The freezer is stocked with ice lollies… the sea bands are in the bedroom… the fizzy water is in a crate in the garage…mmm and the thermometer is on standby…hee hee…sounds like a battle plan! All things as prepared as they can be for the 30th…FEC number two…
Hi guys
Had my portacath inserted yesterday … wow what an experiance (one I do not want to repeat that often!) It was really strange they done it under a Local and had to make a small incision in the neck. There was lots of pulling and tugging while putting the tube down then a small incision was made in the chest for the portacath (It looks like a port window on a boat!) The nurses where keeping me entertained and I had a shot of G & T!!! I didn’t feel weird or anything and didnt even know that the DR had started the procedure… how bizzare!!
I slept all day today mind so there was obviously something strong in the G & T! I was really worked up about having it done so it was really not as frightening as I thought it would be (I had it done in the Runnymede Hospital - the posh part of St Peters Hospital, Chertsey it was a really nice private hospital - not that I am a private patient i think the DR that done the op had some other work there…lucky me! the nurses had me giggling all afternoon)
Anyway I’m all set for friday now- at least there be no mucking about trying to get blood from my hand, foot, wrist in the future.(ow ow ow). The only uncomfortable bit is the plaster over my neck wound but that wull come out in 7-10 days.
Hope you are all okay.
Oooh so glad it went well for you and hopefully it won’t be too uncomfortable for too long. Good luck on Friday and let us know how you are as soon as you can. Be good to yourself.
Hi JulieG
Good Luck for friday, reading your post, just took me back to my former life, I worked at St Peter’s years and years ago. My son’s where also born there.
I’m really at the newly diagnosed forum, but still feel I’m Have I got BC. I get to meet with the plastic surgeon on friday. Hopefully will have an op date soon.
Thanks for letting me hijack your thread.
Maggie x
Babyboo - don’t know if you can get ginger beer (non alcoholic and cloudy) in Sweden, but I drank gallons of it when on FEC. I also drank ginger ale and very occasionally for a treat, an inch or so of Stone’s Green Ginger wine (alcoholic, strength like sherry) topped up with ice and ginger ale. Ginger seems to quell nausea for me. My Crohn’s erupted as I had to stop my normal chemo, so had to live on hospital prescribed Frutijuice (9 flavours, all yucky) as solids gave me severe diarrhea. The 4 months of chemo seemed endless at first, but it is surprising how quickly the time goes.
Hope all goes well for you.
I have a stock of Ginger Ale in the house now…I would LOVE some ginger beer but alas I can’t get it here…
My first blood test was ok…bit low but nothing dangerous. and big news…I am BALD…and it is really breezy now…brrr…can’t bring myself to wear the dead cat though. Think I shall stick to scarves, hats and face paints!
Hope everyone is ok. xxx