I have a strange sensation in my left breast. It feels full, although not to the touch, I can only describe it as full as though there is extra breast tissue or something Inside There. The fullness sensation runs from the side of the breast, into my armpit and shoulder and sometimes down my arm.
I can’t with my own hands feel any fullness or lumps, but then I’m not certain of what I should be looking for.
It’s maybe worth mentioning that a few months back I had a lot of tingling sensation and what felt like a let down reflex in the breast only. This has now gone and move to what I’ve described above.
Could this be cancer or are the symptoms more likely to be hormonal changes.
Thank you in advance
Hi lilypod
Welcome to the Breast Cancer Care discussion forums. Whilst you are waiting for the other users to reply with their knowledge and experience do give the BCC helpline a call on 0808 800 6000. Here you can share your thoughts and concerns with someone who will offer you a listening ear as well as support and information. Lines are open weekdays 9 to 5pm and Saturday 10 to 2pm.
Best wishes Sam, Moderator
Hi Lilypod
I have not had anything ike this myself but if I were you I would get it checked out by the GP who may then refer you to the breast clinic.
Hi Lilypod
I was just wondering how things are with you now? I am experiencing the same strange sensations myself in my left breast. I’m waiting on a doctors appointment, but I’m getting rather anxious while waiting.
I hope everything has settled down for you.
Julia x