why do some people put on weight when on tamoxifen ?

Why does blocking oestrogen cause this - or maybe it doesn’t ? any ideas ?

Hallo Chipper,
Been on tamoxifen nearly 4 weeks now.
Only just feeling and side-affects.
The overwhelming tiredness is the worst and lead to a drop in blood pressure.
My theory is that your too tired to do anything exept eat!
Usually love a good walk but having to force myself out of the house at present.

just wondered really why it should increase weight - obviously eating more would do that - and feeling too tired to do anything else but eat is a good explanation ! Hope you do well with it Jeanie xx

I’ve now asked my BCN this, and she says it’s not just the Tx but the overall effect that all the treatments have had on our hormone metabolism in our bodies. Obviously being so tired results in being less active (possibly) which might be the cause. She says to eat healthily and try to be as active as you can.

I googled ‘tamoxifen and weight gain’ last week, and the results were very interesting. 25% of women cite weight gain as one of the most troublesome SEs along with flushes, nausea, joint pains etc. However, quite a few women lose weight, presumably due to the nausea?

The other weird finding is that bodybuilders take it!! Why, I don’t know, but I have a feeling it’s something to do with how anti-oestrogens raise testosterone levels. Maybe this is where our hairy faces come from?!!


Bella x

Body builders use tamoxifen because it’s one of several steroids they take to stimulate muscle growth. And steroids can stimulate appetite which can lead to weight gain. Fine if you’re training hard, eating well and turning it inot muscle, not so good if you’re not.


i was on tamoxifen for 3 years and never put on weight or was tired.

infact didnt really suffer much from flushes except in the first few months i think while my body got used to it but then would only get a few a week…

one of the side effects i did have was terrible bleeding and had a mirena coil put in after about 6 months to help which did cause a bit of weight gain but that is common with the IUS.

i also got ‘drying out’ effects…
dry itchy scalp… used alphosil shampoo,
dry mouth… use bioten oral balance gel,
dry skin mostly on legs… use aqueous cream,
constipation… take lactulose and dioctyl.

i have heard some people get headaches too but setle down after a few weeks.

if you have bad side effects try changing brands too as that sometimes makes a difference and most pharmacists are happy to put a note on your records to get the kind taht suits you.