I know that my axillary nodes are wrecked; they are full of cancer, some were 25x14mm before neoadjuvant chemo.
I wasn’t told how many looked cancerous in the MRI but I know that a full clearance has been on the cards for months.
The Oncy checks my neck nodes every three weeks. I asked him if any of them felt affected and he said no. I didn’t know I had lymph nodes round my clavicle 5 months ago.
Do some people have their neck/clavicle nodes taken?
My dx was very similar to your Ninja.
As far as I know they don’t take the clavicle nodes out. Mine will have radiotherapy along with the boob and axilla. I’ve also got spread to the fatty tissue under the arm which i’m told is serious.
I can only hope rads will get it :o(
I had a lymph node diagnosed with cancerous cells following U/S and biopsy at my second screening following my mammogram so know that I will be having a full axillary clearance at the same time as my WLE.
Sorry to hear about your serious problem elttiks and will keep fingers crossed that the rads zap it (((HUG)))
I am having a partial axillary clearance. Does anyone know why it isn’t a full axillary? I was in such a state of shock being told one of my nodes had cells in that I didn’t ask.