Hi Lulu
Thanks so much for this. All your info and this article makes a strong case for examining any switch in a lot more detail. My gut feeling is that tamoxifen is right for me now.
I’ve decided to try and see my Oncologist as he said that I wouldn’t be changed for at least 2 years when I started tamoxifen 8 months as I hadn’t been menopausal pre chemo.
I should add that my BC surgeon has completely dismissed idea of oophrectomy based on the bloods.
what happened with your own blood results is interesting. I did still have oestradiol showing which I’m not sure occurs only if there is ovarian function?
I’m also concerned about AI’s stimulating ovaries not only from the BC side but also the endometriosis. All in all a good deal to be concerned about.
Sadly I don’t have an Athens password anymore. I will see if I can get through any other sites as you’ve given me refs.
Thanks again, Elinda x