Apparently BUPA will not contribute towards a wig. I’m not particurlarly wealthy, private insurance came with my husbands job. Does anyone know whether as a private patient, you still get a NHS wig? Also pre-chemo/cooling cap - should you just wash your hair and leave it product free?
I’m undergoing private treatment too (health insurance with job). I don’t know much about wigs as I got given a brochure this week. They are expensive but there is a good price range. VAT is knocked off if the wig is for medical reasons which may help a little. Don’t know about NHS as I haven’t yet enquired.
Regarding cold cap which I have used twice (although hair is coming out anyway) I just washed hair as usual. Before the cold cap is put on, the chemo nurses wet your hair and apply conditioner liberally so leaving it product free doesn’t really make a difference.
Hi all…my name is malcolm…Wigs & NHS,I am trying to gather info.Please go to ‘macmillan cancer care’ web site and check out my profile.Also use their ‘tag’system and tag ‘wig’ & ‘hair’.Also scan through old threads on this forum,& you will find some old threads re Wigs & hair.I think that the cross referencing on this site could be better,but there we are.Go to’undergoing treatment…chemo.’ The feedback I have had on this site & Macmillan has been fair,and might be of benefit to you if you wish to look.Good hunting…Malcolm
I too am a private patient, i didn’t need a wig but did need a prothesis and my isurance company wouldnt pay. I went to my doctor who referred to the local NHS hospital who gave me the prothesis but also mentioned they would do the same with a wig if needed.
I too am a private patient. Be very careful. Not only are you NOT allowed a wig on the NHS (check out wigbank for good second hand wigs and cheap new ones) but you are not allowed emergency treatment on the NHS either (if you develop neutrophenia for example). I bought a new wig from a wig shop for about £150, but actually ended up wearing headscarves most of the time. And I got a bill for £2230 for 5 days in NHS hospital with neutrophenia and phlebitis - - which I am currently fighting (not being in the habit of paying for something twice). I know my insurance company will meet this bill, but there’s a principle involved!
Hi I got my wig paid for by the insurance co. that my husbands work uses (Remedi). It cost nearly £200. His work has now changed to Bupa insurance and they quibbled about the fee for my mastectomy !!! My husband was all for giving in and paying but as he already pays a lot of money in tax for this benefit I stood my ground and they eventually relented.
As my surgeon only does L.D. flap and TRAM flap reconstructions I am looking round for other surgeons but don’t know if Bupa will pay for this after all the fuss with my previous surgery.