I am going in today for a WLE and SNB and am absolutely terrified. I have spent the last few weeks since diagnosis being SO positive, cracking jokes and making sure everyone is OK with it all - but I can’t seem to admit to my family or friends how scared I really am. I am trying so hard to hold it all together for my children and my mum (who has gone into total panic meltdown mode) and my husband has just gone super quiet and changes the subject every time I try to talk to him about it - he can’t even say the ‘cancer’ word! My GP has been brilliant and has sat and let me cry for over an hour (she even had to send out for more tissues!).
I know I’ve just got to get through today - I’m just praying they call me down to theatre quickly because I’m not sure I won’t run away if I have to wait too long. I’m a bit of a control freak and it all feels out of my control now. I just can’t seem to stop my head running away with thoughts of ‘what if…’
I know I should let myself give in to it and just roll with the punches but how do you get to that stage of acceptance?
Sorry for such a whingy post but feeling alone and very tired.
Dear Lucy, welcome to the BCC forums
I am sorry to read that you are feeling so worried about surgery today, please feel free to call our helpliners to talk it over if you have time before you go. lines are open 9-5 on 0808 800 6000 (weekdays 9-5 and Sat 10-2)
I had my WLE and SNB last week and it really isn’t too bad. I had mine at 9.00 am on Friday and was out of the hospital at 7.00 pm. Yes, you feel a bit whoozy afterwards and sore under your arm and where the lump is taken out, but it is discomfort rather than pain. You will soon be homre relaxing on the settee and wondering what all the fuss was about!
Hi Lucy12
Hope your op went well and you are recovering nicely. I had my WLE and SNB on 19th August and feel absolutely fine now. Do the exercises they have given you from day 1. They may seem a little daunting but they really aren’t bad and not uncomfortable .
You have stayed strong and completed the first step . Well done you.
Keep in touch xx