women in the same area as you

Hi All, I was wondering if its alright to put where you live and what hopital you are being treated at as i dont know many people where i live and none of them has breast cancer. I have looked on the internet for sites in and around spalding which is where i live but cant find anything . also the hospital that i am under is about 2 hours away (Lincoln county hosp) my husband can take me tree times a week so if there is anyone in my area that needs a lift we could give them one.

Hi Tina
I was wondering the same thing. Wasn’t sure just how much info we could give either. I live in Kent, and although I know of 2 people that have had BC, I dont know anyone now, that I can spend time with and chat on the phone, thats why I have found this site such a godsend. Maybe some others will come forward now who may live near you? Hope so.

Evening you all,

Seems to me that lots of people say where they live. If 2 people live close, maybe they could whisper to each other (on the ‘send a private message to’ box) to exchange details? Also. I’ve filled in a profile so I guess you can see each others profiles?
Td x

HI waitingangel and debbie. waiting angel how do you look at profiles? i clicked on your name to have a look at yours but all that came up was your name and nothing else

Hi and excuse me butting in. Profiles used to be visible on this site before it was revamped last year. Lots of us really miss them but we are told when the site is changed again later this year profiles will be back.


can some one tell me how to whisper, does it mean private message?

Hi tina,

type your message for the person you want to whisper to in the usual box, then just above that box is a small one liner where you put the persons name in. Make sure you type it exactly as it appears in their posts. Only that person will then be able to read your post (part from the moderators who vet them :)).

You can do this in the thread you are reading, or there is a forum called Private messages but remember you still need to type the recipients name in the small box.

Hope this is clear


Hi Tina

Hope to speak to you soon must go to bed been to the local Game Fair in Stamford today and Im absolutely Kna****ed, only had chemo on friday so possibley over doing it a bit but its a bank holiday and Im sure I can sleep for England next week when they all return to work and school LOL


Hi all
as new to this site, was not sure about sending a ‘whisper’ etc. Was also wondering about the profiles, as had to fill in one when registered and have been searching site to see them! now I know!!! Anyone from Kent??
dawnhc - will have a ponder on that site when I get chance. thanks
deb x

There is a thread in chit chat and fun called ‘where are we all from’

Hi Debs
Are you near Dartford, Northfleet way? I am in Sittingbourne. Having treatment at Maidstone Hospital, not far away. Also close to the medway towns and sheppey. Do you know it?
Deb x

hi every1 x well i frm west yorkshire+have’nt met any1 on ere who may live in the same area,would b nice 2meet u all !!

Hi Debbs I am in Kent too! My mum was originally having her treament at Maidstone under the two doctors “Jones” I think there names were, husband and wife team, I think thats what the names were.

HI Deb

Just up the road from Dartford, I dont know Sittingbourne very well but its not far. How are you doing?

Deb x

I am having treatment under the two doctor ‘jones’ too. they are a lovely pair and work well together. We got our dog from a small village called hartley, just outside meopham. do you know this?
had rough day today, must admit. went to hospital for pre chemo check and talk and came away quite scared. its really hitting home now that all starting tomorrow and what a long road lays ahead. i dont think i have every been so scared in my life. this evening, i have done nothing but cry, upsetting the rest of the family. keep feeling sick and already feeling run down. i keep asking ‘why me?’. it just doesnt seem fair. i suppose this is normal tho. in a few months time, i will probably look back and think how silly i was. hopefully.
anyway, will keep you updated. many thanks to you all for your support. means so much
deb x

hi.i am just at the end of my radiotherapy at maidstone hospital had my lumpectomy at medway hospital…I am from rochester(not far from sittingbourne) keep your chin up debs.It has definately got easier for me to come to terms with as time has gone by.I can go a few hours now without thinking about breast cancer and i never thought that would be possible.


I am in Bexleyheath, so not all that far from you, though I doubt we are having treatment at the same hospital. I’m at the Queen Elizabeth in Woolwich.

I am not newly diagnosed, and have already had surgery, chemo and rads, am now on Herceptin and Arimidex, but if you want to meet up for a natter let me know!


Hi ladies
I live in lancs and I am having a masectomy with recon at whiston a week on friday. Oh sh** !!! I just can’t wait to get it over with and look forward to a time when I can wake up in the morning and think about normal things again. I have had so much pain since my wide local incision and node removal (feels like my nipple is being burnt) that I can’t think straight.
Take Care Diane x

Hi there, Anybody in Havering/ Essex/Brentwood? I’m currently awaiting an MRI and then have to decide what surgery option to go for as I have DCIS in the right breast. The MRI is to check whether there’s any invasion and see what’s happening in the left breast.


Hi all

There seems to be quite a lot of us in the same area and yes Deb meopham is about 10/15 mins from me. Don’t feel silly about crying, try not to think of everything at once and deal with one thing at a time, thats what I am trying to do and it works, I now have the op out of the way and I am going to try and treat the chemo as one step at a time, just knock them off one by one. I found that when I think of the whole situation its all too much, appart from the fact that it doesn’t feel real its too scary to think of eveything and second guess everything. Break it down into small pieces I think that is the only way to get through this.

Lots of love

Deb x