women so young

I remember being given tablets to dry up my milk when my baby girl died during childbirth, i had heard since that they can cause breast cancer, not sure if thats my connection.

dont beat yourself up about the pills. I had those to out of choice , not in sad circumstances, my opinion for what it is worth, is that there are many, many factors contributing to this, consisting of

enviromental issues
Animal feed containing hormones
hormones in the water cycle
additives ,preseratives in food
hormone pills
general stress of having to many plates to spin

was going to pull in red wine , but I happen to like the odd glass , good for the heart, or so we are told, the powers that be do like to push the blame on the individual , and us as female do happen to carry guilt .

love to allxx

Truffle shuffle thats very well put! I agree with you about causation - many factors and different ways our bodies deal with them.
Anna, I think that what you went through must have been dreadful, it would be worse somehow if you then felt responsible for having bc - I very much hope thats not the case.
It would be really good to see BCC campaign on this issue
take care everyone
monica xx

I think there’s a public perception that the majority of bc is hereditary and that if there is no family history then you are somehow at much lower risk.

Only a small percentage (did I read 10% the other day?) are definitely hereditary; the rest, so far, are being attributed to other factors such as diet, lifestyle (age when having first child, or not having them at all), weight, environmental factors, plain bad luck and probably since there are loads, for example, overweight women who don’t get bc, a very subtle interaction of many of these plus perhaps an inherited disposition.

I think it’s a very complex jigsaw - it is not one disease, but many - and they don’t have many of the pieces yet.




I think we often spend a long time wondering why we have this or what we did wrong. I’m extremely active- 3-4 dance classes a week and most weekends spent sailing, surfing or on some other type of board. Never been into alcohol much, was a touch chubby at the age of 11-13. Non-smoker. Been a veggie since I was very young, sometimes eat vegan. No family history. However I had a Core Biospsy the day before my 29th birthday and a mammogram on my birthday. Diagnosed 3 weeks later.

I’m lucky my doctor took me seriously despite thinking it was a cyst. Referred me straight away and I was seen within a few weeks. My consultant has been fab, she considered monitoring me for a few months owing to the chances of it being cancer being so minimal but decided to check it out thankfully.

Results day tomorrow to decide if I need more surgery or if we can get on with chemo.

Em x

Hi Daisyleaf

Yeah your right about the awareness, i have taken it into my own hands and have recently done 2 magazine stories (marie claire and company oct issue), been on this morning tv twice modelling bra’s back on June and last friday, story in daily mail next week i think and now i am doing modelling for bra’s and swimwear aswell as talks in local schools. Anything to raise awareness and to get younger women to check themselves because if i didnt push it it would have become alot worse!!


Hi everyone, Yes you are all right, it could be any number of things, i guess i know that really. I used to cycle to work through liverpool city centre so i guess thats a lot of pollution. I think being triple neg has be in the back of my mind thinking is that why i got it. But i need to get on with getting rid of it. Also it is definately a good point that the government needs to identify why so many young women are getting this disease, if not for our sakes but for the generations to come.
take care

I have suffered breast cancer at my youth, 20-year-old. At first I had severe pains in one of my breasts, and there was also a some-what large and hard lump in the same one. However my other breast seemed perfectly normal. I don’t know if this had anything to even do with it.I went to the doctor, I would like to know what this meaned, and if it meaned that i might have breast cancer. Was it even possible to have breast cancer at age 20?
Fortunately, I went to the doctor and get an accurate diagnosis and correct treatment. I am fine now.I have paid 200% attention to breast health and how to prevent breast cancer.

breastcancer.dormitory.com is one of the websites I stick to and it help to update me with the latest breast health advice and relevant videos.

I am shocked to read all your stories on here as I have felt that I was the only ‘unlucky’ one, as my breast nurse calls it out, there!

I had BC at 35 with grade 1 only requiring lumpectomy and tamox. It had previously been misdiagnosed in Spain where I had been living and I was also told - fibroadenoma. My breast surgeon here would never agree that there had been misdiagnosis.

I then spent several years commenting on pain in my opposite side which I was told was nothing. Mammograms also showed nothing - but then I have very dense breasts which I have subsequently learned can often ‘hide’ lumps on mammos. For this reason in the USA patients who have had BC are monitored with Mammos and MRI’s as these together give more accurate outputs.

This year I had a horredous 6 week period of diagnosis to discover a wide spread second primary in the breast that had caused pain. It was also in all my nodes. I feel that this must have been missed by the mammos. I have now been identified as possible for gene testing as my mother has developed BC in her 70s. MY grandmother had it in her70-80’s.

Back in 2002 my surgeon said emphatically that there was no genetic link as my grandmother had it in old age. I know a girl whose mother had it in her 70’s and she (in her 40s) has tested positive for faulty gene!

Why is it that we are having this so you - a good question yes. However an even more urgent question is WHY ARE WE NOT BEING HEARD!? By the very medical teams who have it in their hands to determine our chances of survival from this ‘epidemic’…??

I wish I knew the answers!