Working during rads treatment

I find it hard beacuse so many people say to me “hey you look great” and “you don’t look tired at all”…they then expect me to wait on them and I find it hard to admit how down and exhausted, dizzy I really feel. I find it hard to ask for help and feel a fraud as I appreciate all you people who have had chemo s well deserve a huge medal… I’ve only done radio and am so up and down…have met some amazing inspiring women at the hospital all laughing about their wigs and their hair growing back, wow, what a great attitude.


I worked for 1st 2 weeks of rads which took me up to Christmas week and we have a shutdown over Christmas and New Year so was off anyway. planned to go back straight after but was too tired and ended up having all of January off but then went back full time and have been full time ever since although have been poorly a couple of times in the last 6 months with other stuff that has caused me to take time off when normally I probably would have worked through it.

Its very hard trying to manage on SSP though. if you work full time how the heck do they think you can suddenly manage on £15 a day with a bit of a tax rebate, it doesn’t help you to “listen to your body” as everyone is forever telling you to do.