worried and confused...

My doctor found a lump a few weeks ago during my annual physical. Within a few days, I had a mammogram followed by a ultrasound immediately after, to my surprise. On Monday, I saw my doctor - who said she had the results last Thursday - but wanted to give me my last cancer free weekend before we went over things. I have cancer.
Yesterday, I had a core needle biopsy that removed 5 samples. The surgeon would not visually identify anything and said we needed to wait for the results. Do I not have cancer?
I’m really confused and in total denial as I can’t believe this is happening in general. My doctor called me this evening to ask if I wanted to meet some of her colleagues involved in our local dragon boat club and of course, I said no. Thinking to myself, why would I do that?
I feel really lost. My husband is being very supportive but in truth, I really don’t have a lot of friends, if any to rely on. I’m worried about building a support group because I don’t have people that can be one. I was off work for 2.5 years with a back injury and lost touch with many of my work colleagues. My two best friends don’t live anywhere near me and I’m lost.
But I already refilled my anti-depressant prescription from my back injury just in case :wink:
Thanks for listening, I appreciate it very much.

hi, Are you seeing a private doctor?? It seems a little unusual for the results to be going back to a general physician. Normally there is a doctor at the clinic where you get your tests done who takes your case over from the moment they discover a change in the breast, wether it is cancer of a benign lump.

The people who do the biopsies are normally quite forthcoming about what they can and cannot see, but untill the results come back from the biobpsies there is not much they can tell you. So i would not put too much store by them not saying much.

It also seems a little odd for a doctor to be talking about “your last cancer free weekend” before the biopsies were done, unless there was something in the ultrasound that strongly suggested it was defintaly cancer–in which case they should have explained it all to you. Said what the scans showed, told you the possible causes. Did she defintaly say the scan shows you have cancer,or did she say we have found areas for concern that need furthur testing to see if they are cancer.

You must be in total shock at the moment. A few weeks ago you were going around your life blisfully unaware any of this was coming up and then wham, you are having all these tests. Denial is quite a normal reaction, I was in a bubble from the moment i felt the lump until after the op to take the lump out. I can completely understand you not wanting to socialise with your doc at the moment.

Everybody says the waiting for tests is the worse tiime. People on this forum all remember what those first few weeks were like and that is why they join in and give support to all the newbies.

Some people find the talking to the helpline works, they are qualified nurses, but are not just there to answer technical questions, they are there to help you through the process, wether it is waiting for results or problems with treatment.

All I can say is that if you do have cancer, there are so many different types around and are caught at so many different stages. Almost all are treatable, not everybody needs chemotherapy. Not everybody needs a mastectomy, I had a ping pong ball shaped lump taken out a couple of weeks ago and there does not even seem to be a dent at the moment.

And now you do have a support group. I see you posted this in the early hours and it probably did not appear straight away becaue the monitor the first few posts, but now that you have joined the club you will get lots of answers and private messages.

Hi Robyann,
I can only talk about my own experience but from what you are saying it is similiar to my own. The radiologist, who did you your ultrasound and biopsy would have had a pretty good idea from the mammogram and US that they were dealing with cancer. Sometimes it is not so clear cut and further studies and tests are needed. I had a core needle biopsy and they took 4 samples. These are sent away for analysis which will confirm the type and grade of the cancer. These are the results your surgeon is waiting for.
It is normal practice for the hospital to write to your GP after seeing you in clinic. My own GP greeted me at the door with the words that she had had lots of letters about me and she showed me them all logged onto her screen. This was before I started treatment.
Until the final results from the samples that were taken come in from the pathologist there is no way they can be absolutely certain what they are dealing with. Sorry but waiting for these is stressful.
Come back here when ever you like, you will get lots of support.
Good luck.

what a horrible situation to be in, ring your GP and ask him out right, do i or dont i , why would he say your last cancer free weekend… it sounds like he knows but is waiting for the path results to confirm type grade stage etc, its horrible sitting in the waiting room , if you dont feel like ringing him, go up and ask to see him at the end of his evening surgery, at least then you will know in your own mind the facts hope all is well for you x

Hi Robynnn im shocked at your doctor saying last cancer free weekend I would phone & ask him too.

All the best keep us posted
sending you a big hug
Mekala x

We recently had a lady who radilogically appeared to have a cancer and although we told her we strongly suspected it was cancer that we still couldnt be 100% certain with out the path results. Nobody would dream of saying enjoy your last cancerfree weekend! That’s appalling! Turns out she didn’t actually have cancer and all the staff were gobsmacked as was she. Until the pathology results are back we cannot say for sure although it’s very rare that something we think is cancer turns out not to be but it can happen.

Sending big hugs xxx