I have posted before but I’m currently playing the waiting game and need some more advice from all you wonderful ladies out there.Your stories and experiences have really helped and ensured me that there is lots of help out there too.
I found a lump last Sunday, went to doctor’s on Tuesday and have an appointment this Weds. I have done absolutely loads of research and thanks to that and all of your advice I feel quite informed.I have totally convinced myself that my largish gritty lump is BC and am preparing myself for the worst. MAybe this is a little irrational but my Mum died of breast cancer at 48 ( I’m 37) although she was only diagnosed when it was advanced two months prior to her death.I was quite young at the time and all the details are a bit of a blur as it was a very traumatic time.
I have found out that they will tell me my results on Weds- a great relief as I don’t think I can endure more waiting. What I was wondering was how long they normally start treating the BC once it is discovered? Also , does anyone know much about the family gene test. My Mum was an only child so I have limited family anyway but her Mum had ovarian cancer. Would they test for the gene based on this history?
Sorry to be so long winded!!
Any thoughts or words of wisdom would be greatly appreciated.
Hi Freddie - here is my story, not sure if it will be of any use to you!
I found a lump in late Nov 08, 22nd Dec I went to the breast clinic I had a mammogram, ultrasound and biopsy and was told there and then it was cancer. Jan 5th back to the clinic to be told what grade (grade 1 in my case which is the lowest) and that I would be having the lump and a little bit of surrounding tissue removed, together with 6 nodes in my armpit to see if any cells had gone walkabouts!
I went in two weeks later for that op. Two weeks after the op I saw the Prof at the clinic and was told just one of the nodes had a few cells but breast was fine. 3 days later (Feb 5th) I went back in to have the remaining nodes out.
Today I went to the clinic and was told all of the removed nodes were clear! YIPEE. I see ‘chemo man’ 9th March to be told which poisons he has lined up for me, and will be having that and radio therapy at the same time.
So, all in all, very quick where I live (Chelmsford, Essex). The waiting will drive you nuts, and I can’t offer any words of wisdom to make it go quicker!
Thanks Twinmum and Daisy for your kind thoughts and experiences. Only a couple of days to go now until i am a bit more clear about things.
I’m not sure if I feel better the closer the appointment gets or not. I’m beginning to feel very nervous but weirdly anxious for the day to come.A very strange feeling.
HI frediecider,
Just to say good luck for wednesday i will be keeping everything crossed for you.
I went to the breast clinc on a thursday late July 07 had a mamagram,ultrasound then FNAs and core biopsys and was also DX there and then. Everything happened very fast for me, i was in hospital 5 days later (tues) to have WLE and SNB on wednesday,i came out thursday after the drain had been removed.10 days later i got my results which were clear margins and clear nodes (yipeee) then was given an appointment for the following week to see the oncoligist. I started chemo 9th sept finished end of january, then started Rads 4 weeks later for 23 sessions. Am now on Tamoxifen for 5 yrs. Ive had a few scares along the way and the waiting for tests/scans realy is the worst bit. I think once you know whats what you just go into auto pilot it all seems pretty surreal.
I understand how worrying it all is for you at the moment.
Realy hope you get some good news on weds and will be keeping everything crossed for you.
All the Best
Linda x
I’m amazed at how quickly things seem to move for some people. It seems some of us go from a world where everything is humdrum and ‘normal’ to a world full of turmoil,tests and anxious waits.
Already just waiting for the intitial examinations has made me look at what I have around me and become much more grateful.
Well only two more sleeps andone more full day until reckoning day for me.
Hi freddie
Just to say goodluck tomorrow, will be thinking of you and the other ladies who are having their ops this week. Things do move at different paces, mine was 5weeks from diagnosis to operation, then 4 weeks from operation to results and treatment. Still got 1 and a half week to wait for that, so I’m mentally rushing the days by. The waiting is one of the hardest things, but taking it a step at a time is probably the way to go.Just one more sleep Freddie!!!