Hi all - not sure what i’m expecting from this post but here goes. So far I’ve been very positive since dx, 3cm tmour with node involvement. Treatment plan is for 4 x FEC (i’ve had 3 so far), 4 tax then wle and node clearence then rads and then tamoxifen. I had several scans done after being told of node involvement and need for chemo but am just starting to think i’ve been niave and not foloowed up on any results - assuming no news is good news!
Tomorrow i’ve got an ultrasound to see if chemo is working and the tumour has shrunk, up until now i’ve been ok thinking i’ll go in have the scan and be back to work by lunchtime. I’m now starting to get worried in that what if it hasn’t shrunk? what if they find something else, another lump?
I can’t believe i’m sitting here feeling so low and worried all over something as simple as an ultrasound, looks like another sleepless night for me!!
I understand why you are sitting worrying, having the scans is the easy part, its the results that are scary, I think it is normal to fear the worst, I know I do until told otherwise.
I have had two recurrences now the last one last year, I had a bone scan and CT scan in January and heard nothing so like you I am assuming that no news is good news, I can’t imagine for a minute that if anything was found they would’nt have been in touch. Have an oncology appointment next week so will obviously ask.
I think you are marvelous carrying on working but I suppose it gives you something else to concentrate on.
oh Michelle I really feel for you and I so sympathise. I hate all the scans and waiting for results. I found that I tried to prepare myself a little just in case and as well just hoped and hoped that all was ok. I know it doesn’t help much me saying this but I wanted to respond to you as really feel for what you’re going through.
Good luck and thinking of you for tomorrow.
Ruby xxx