I haven’t posted on here for a while but do log on to catch up with things.
Recently over the past few weeks i have noticed my memory is getting really bad. I’m forgeting where i put things and what they are called along with work and names.
I’ve had a fuzzy head over the last week and as i’m sure you all know we always thing the worst. don’t really speak to anyone other than u ladies about concerns as family think you’ve finished treatment your better now …
The fear we all have to live with is so shit and i keep thinking its gone to my brain.
I’ve been on tamoxifen for exactly 1 year now and don’t even know if that can cause it…
Can anyone offer me some advise to what it could be and of their experiences
i know how you feel sukes. i have been having the same feelings at times in my head, ive been putting it down to the tamoxifen, i too have been taking it a year,. when you think about it, its got to have some side effects, are body is having lots of hormones chucked at it, im just hoping its a passing spell. because it can make you feel a bit scared., i have had anxiety and deppression in the past so im handling it how i did with that.
hope things improve. x im sure your ok, but ask for a check up if you feel worried.
Hi Sukes
I agree with you about family/friends thinking all is better…I only really talk to people on this site too. Thank god for BCC eh?.
Don’t suffer in silence if you are still feeling the same in a week contact your BCN and get it checked out. They are only too aware of how we live in fear and they won’t think any less of you (and quite frankly it’s their job so who cares if they do??).
Sending you a big cyber hug (((( ))))
and remember it could just be the T. I’ve just posted on another thread how I’m only expriencing SE’s now and like you I’ve been on it exactly a year.
Good luck
E xx
I too suffer from a fuzzy head. I have been on Arimidex for nearly a year. Have trouble recalling anything much before dx now as nearlhy two years of treatment. I just think it changes you so much both physically and emotionally.
My brain is exactly the same and I have only just been diagnosed. I have had to stop HRT immediately and I put it down to that. Mind you, disturbed sleep doesn’t help.
Hi everyone,
I too have noticed since my dx that my brain hasn’t been working too well. I do think some of it in my case is hormones as although I am going through the menopause I do find certain times of the month I will forget things, put things away in the wrong place, bump into things etc etc. Since my dx it has been worse with the worry etc. Even typing this takes twice as long as I keep hitting the wrong letters!!! Good thing I check everything before I send it.
If I am like this now what will I be like 1 year into Tamoxifen???
You truly are not alone on this one.
Love to you all
Hi Starfish, i am also on Arimidex since Sept 2007, fuzzy head, forgetful, cant remember simple things, you are describing me! Returned to work on sunday after a weeks holiday, opened up the shop and completely forgot the alarm code let alone the alarm! I flapped about like a seal out of water trying different combinations till the police arrived! I went to the door with my hands up in surrender and told them not to shoot! They just looked at me as if i was a crackpot! Then later i found out it was the dad of one of the girls i work with, so embarrassing.
I have been terribly tired the last few days, everytime i sit down i fall asleep. Keep thinking is this the sign of something bad, i have no energy at all. Does Arimidex do that to you as well as the sweats and aching bones?
Hope all we ‘fuzzy heads’ become clearer minded soon,
i can totally understand what you mean about forgetting things, i even forget some of my family’s names and when i’m telling someone something can quite easily forget halfway through what i’m talking about. there is definately something to be said about chemo brain.
i was beginning to think i had the onset of alzeimers i couldn’t believe how much i was forgetting.
love reneexx
Hi everyone - I’m a newbie and just joined the site. I think it’s a great site, easy to navigate and populated by very pleasant sounding peeps.
I am interested in this topic because memory impairment has been practically the main side effect for me of Tamoxifen which I have been taking for almost 12 months.
I began to realise that I was forgetting all sorts of things, what we had for dinner the evening before, people’s names, grasping for words I know well - you will all know what I mean. I searched all the usual bc sites for any information on this and I didn’t find any reference to it until I went on to the medical sites and lo and behold I soon found an article dealing with this very thing. According to the doctor who wrote the abstract some 2% of women taking Tamoxifen had quite significant memory and cognitive disturbances. From memory (haha) I think the article was dated 2007 and the conclusion drawn was that more research into this aspect is needed.
I was due for my 6 month check at the Breast Clinic shortly afterwards and I put this subject at the top of my
‘list of questions to ask’. My consultant immediately agreed that this is a known fact amongst medical people. Why, then, I asked has it never been mentioned to me as a side effect of Tamoxifen. She replied that “of course it is listed on all the websites we use” and she proceeded to bring up three of them on screen. Well was she taken aback - nowhere could she find a mention about this very concerning issue. However - she DID know about it which was a sort-of positive I suppose.
Anyhow - I felt very relieved that my theory was, in fact, correct. I am getting long in the tooth (no, the avatar is not me, just wishful thinking) but I certainly had all my marbles before starting on Tamoxifen!! Hopefully I will retrieve the missing ones in 4 years time - lol!