hi jeannie thankyou so much for your message…i live in aberdeenshire…i haven’t started my complaint as yet but i will definately go and ask for a copy of everything since i first went to the gp…they are on a computerised system so hopefully they will print it all out for me…i can imagine they will deny everything but i am definately going to try after the way i have been treated or maybe that should be not treated!!!..as for going to a+e they are about as useless here as my surgery is!!!..
like you say most lumps are not cancerous but this drawn out waiting caused by my gp surgery is really frustrating…
I have followed this thread with mounting disbelief - it is incredible and outrageous that you have been treated in this way. I am so sorry.
I know when one is ill or worried it can be really hard to summon up the energy to make a huge fuss (although it sounds like you’ve been doing an amazing job), and I wondered if there was anyone (maybe a friend or family member) who could be your advocate and help take things forward?
I agree with whoever (I’m sorry I can’t remember who) said a few days ago that crying sometimes helps drs etc pull their finger out (though I know too that that may not be the line you want to take), as in my experience does a spot of guilt-tripping.
I really hope you get some answers tomorrow, and perhaps it’s worth considering Jeannie’s suggestion of pitching up at A&E, though I have no idea at all whether that would do any good.
I was living in rural Perthshire at the time of my misdiagnosis. My GPs appear not to have know the symptoms of breast cancer and refused me access to the system. I was under age 50 at the time and could not put myself into the NHS Screening Programme. I also tried to go private (third visit) but was told I needed a GP referral in the first instance. This made things difficult and unfortunately I did not take it further. The only thing my GPs have admitted to is that they do NOT see a lot of breast cancer. Are you in rural Aberdeenshire? If you are, I would suggest getting yourself into the city for help. I don’t know how this would work but it would be an acknowledgement to your GP practice that you weren’t treated properly and at the end of the day they may deny everything. I know a lady at CLAN in Aberdeen. Do you want me to give you details as a PM? CLAN is a lovely organisation (cancer support) and they will do all they can to help you. Please just say if any of this would be helpful to you.
hi again jeannie…i do live in rural aberdeenshire i am 40 miles from aberdeen…perhaps if i still don’t get anywhere with this latest referral going to a city a practice might be a good idea…i am going in today to request a printout of my records for my complaint…i’m sure htey will hold a carryon about that too but i have printed off a section form the health rights for scotland website about my rights to see my records so i will be armed with that as well…my boyfriends mum is a councillor with clan so i have an excellent point of contact with them…she has already been great and got me in touch with the breast care nurse at the clinic but was only for a chat…
i’m about to phone the clinic soon to see if i can any progress today…i will update as soon as i know…
thanks again jeannie,your information is very helpfull
hi moomintroll…thanks for your message
yes it makes grim reading doesn’t it…and i have managed to get the strengh from somewhere to create a fuss…i now have my mum back in the country so she is very supportive in my fight with the surgery…my dad is still out in the middle east but i know when he comes home in a few weeks that he will not rest until we get some answers about this appalling service…
the crying thing doesn’t take a lot effort at the moment as you can imagine!!!..maybe i should have a rip roaring hysterical attack in the reception and let all the patients see what they have reduced me too…lol…
we looked into to the private option yesterday but i would still have a 2-3 wait once i get yet another referral from gp.
it just seems to get worse every day.i think i am getting somewhere and then i get knocked aside…it’s like one step forward and two steps back at the moment
keeping my chin up though and off to the surgery today to request a copy of my records so taht i can make a formal complaint…
i will keep you up to date with the events of the day(or lack of them)!!!
I’m glad you have good support. My GP surgery took over 6 weeks to give me my records and even when they did, I had to pay 33p a copy. I think they have so many days to respond and it’s something like 30 or 40 days. So watch out. They don’t like it but as you say, you are entitled to see your records. I very much hope you have no problems here but if you do, I’m very happy to give you advice on my experience. They never told me I had to write to request my records. I asked another GP in my practice for them - he casually said he would send them. When four weeks had passed and I hadn’t received them, I was told I had to make the request in writing. I think this was their stalling technique to delay the process or even hope that I would go away. They had no compassion and I didn’t feel I was being treated like a normal human being.
i have got it in writing just in case they ask for it…hut will try the verbal approach first…going by the health rights website if the records you are requesting are less than 40 days old then they cannot charge…i am at 42 days since my first visit so will see what they say…
Sounds to me as if you know what you’re doing. Good luck. If it’s only your breast cancer consultations you are looking for, it should be easy for the Practice to give you them over the counter. It may even be all on one page.
i’ve been to the surgery and i’m picking up my copy records tomorrow afternoon
also just phoned the clinic and i have been placed on the urgent list and have an appointment for 23rd july…finally i feel like i am getting somewhere :0):0)
I’m very pleased to hear that things have finally moved on for you. I’m sure you are very grateful for the 23rd but I thought there was a protocol that a person with an urgent referral should be seen within two weeks. It’s very unfortunate that the standard of care seems to vary throughout the country - some get great service and others get poor.
I will be keeping my fingers crossed that all goes well for you on the 23rd.
yeah jeannie protocol is 2 weeks but apparantly the urgent list is slightly longer at the moment because of the amount of referrals they have…at least i finally have an appointment and i have a date to focus on now…
hey girls…only a week to go now until i go to the clinic…feeling quite nervous now that it’s getting so close…there has been some growth in my lump so next friday can’t come soon enough…been away back to the docs this morning as i’ve been having terrible pains in my stomach for a week and i’m now being treated for irritable bowel syndrome…i wonder if it’s the stress of all this that has caused it…never mind i’ll take it in my stride along with everything else…nowt else for it i guess…xXx
hope it goes well for you next week. And yes, the emotional stress comes out in physical symptoms for most if us i think, hopefully you will get good news and your tummy will feel better too!
Hi i just joined up to day,got diagnosed with breast cancer 20th May 2010,i found a lump in my right breast on 14th May 2010,have had numerous scans,2 operations,wont know untill next week when my chemo starts,its so frustrating when they dont give you your results for a week or 2,hope you all out there are doing really good x
hi mikekim…thankyou so much for your message…yeah my story drags on for a bit eh!!!..at least now i know that i’ll finally have some answers once i have been in on friday…xXx
I’m at the same stage as you - I’ve got my first appointment on 28 July with the breast clinic which is 15 days from when my GP referred me. You’ve done really well to stay sane with all the trouble that you’ve had in getting an appointment - it’s outrageous that they’ve done this to you.
I feel the same way as you in that now I’ve got an appointment, it is something to focus on. Whereas before I knew when the appointment was going to be, everything felt so up in the air. At least we’ve got something to count down to now.
I wish you all the best for your appointment. Please let me know how you get on.
thanks debs…yes this dragged out waiting has really been a strain…thankfully you have not the long agonising wait that i have,i wouldn’t wish this situation on anyone…you must have a very good gp surgery…it is definately easier to cope when you know when you are being seen…
i will keep you all posted after friday,hopefully with some positive news for a change…and i’ll have everything crossed for you on the 28th debs…