Hi. I’m 49 and I have an itchy flaky rash round the bottom of my left nipple, it’s a bit sore now but not painful (probably because I have scratched it).
I have also noticed that I have lost weight from this breast, I have been ill with a prolapsed disc and blamed it on that but it feels sort of ‘empty’ compared with the other one. It is a bit lumpy but I have always had cysts in there. I previously had a benign lump removed from this breast about 15 years ago.
This morning when I got up I checked it and the nipple seemed to be pointing downwards and pushing out.
I have been to see my GP a lot this year about a gynealogical problem (polyps) and the disc prolapse and having a mirena coil fitted for heavy periods and am worried he will think I am a hypocondriac if it is nothing (or to do with one of the other things I have had wrong). Just wondered if I should go but now I have written all that I guess I should?
Hello kerris
Welcome to the forums, you’ve come to the right place for support as the users of this site have a wealth of knowledge between them.
In the meantime you may find it useful to contact our free helpline on 0808 800 6000, opening hours are Monday to Friday 9.00 – 5.00 and Saturday 9.00 – 2.00.
Best wishes
June, moderator
Hi Karris
Sorry, after your other health problems, youve got another worry.
I would honestly advise you to go to GP as you will only drive yourself mad with worry.
There are so many reasons why this change will have occured and the important thing is-its a change to YOUR norm- so get an appt and best of luck with the results.
Thanks for the advice. I went to my GP this morning and had an examination. She had reffered me on a two week appointment. She found a lump straight away and noticed the nipple change, but assured me that it could still be ‘nothing.’
Not very nice just before Christmas so keeping it to myself except for my partner.
Fingers crossed for you, Karris. If you can do try to relax and enjoy Christmas. As you know you have cysts there’s a very good chance that’s what you can feel. I remember the first time I found a cyst 7 years ago I went out of my head with worry but it was all perfectly fine and disappeared completely once it had been aspirated, though having a long needle in your boob isn’t particularly pleasant.