
Best of luck with your appointment tomorrow. Hope you get some answers, if you are like me the more knowledge the better.

Couldn’t agree more that the kids keep you going, felt very guilty as i snapped at my eldest when dropping her of at school this morning. Having a bad wig day and was late for work. Will make it up to het tonight, unfortunately that means choclate pudding all round.

Take care


Hi Lesley

I know what you mean but unforunately my OH gets the brunt of it - he is so understanding (I love him to bits)

Kids have learnt to just stay ot of my way when im having a wobbly.

Nurse has just phoned to say she will be here at 8.30 to take my bloods then off to oncs!

Ho Hum here we go!!

I might just join you with the choc pudding!! Enjoy I know I will…

Cyber hugs
