
Hi Sarah

Please go to the appointment. It is very likely that you won’t have anything to worry about, but it will put your mind at rest. What happens at the clinic wont hurt and is nothing to worry about. Why are you tempted to cancel?


Hi Sarah,
I know it easy to say but try not to worry the breast clinic staff are really kind and will understand your concerns, breast cancer does not always give pain but sometimes it does, so but please please don’t cancel, I second what Margaret says that you will worry in the back of your mind if you don’t go.
Have you got someone who can come with you for support?
Hope all goes ok- let us know
take care
Dawn X

Thanks for all your replies.

I think I’m just scared about going. Unfortunatly I don’t have anyone to come with me to the clinic. My husband has to take my son for an appointment the same day, so he is dropping me off and leaving me.


Hi Sarah

Hope everything goes well for you

Kay x