Wrong Lump Surgically Removed!


I am new to the forum, this is my first post so I hope I have got it right.

I was diagnosed with BC on 9th January 2009 and had a wide local excision and sentinel lymph node biopsy on 5th February. The op went well and everything has healed nicely.

I went back to the hospital yesterday to get the results of the biopsy and to my horror was told that they had removed a benign cyst instead of the cancerous tumour - but the lymph nodes were clear!!

I remained very calm while the surgeon apologised, explained how it had happened and said that they would remove the correct lump next Wednesday. However, after I got home and started to think about things I began to worry. I feel really cheated, because if the nodes were clear and had they removed the right lump I would be celebrating now. Instead I am now wondering whether the cancer might have spread in the three weeks it has remained after the lymph node biopsy.

I have contacted the breast clinic and they have arranged for me to go and see the surgeon on Monday to discuss my concerns.

Has this happened to anyone else and if so what was the outcome?


Dear Julie

Goodness, what a shock that must have been for you. You sound remarkably calm and together considering the circumstances. I’m afraid I can’t offer any helpful personal experience, but just wanted to wish you well. Hope you find out all you need to know on Monday. Please let us know what happens.
Best wishes

Dear Julie

My thoughts are with you - I had a lumpectomy and excision of nodes on the 12th and have been told I will have to wait three weeks before results of the node biopsies can be confirmed! On discharge from hospital I was told by the ‘Breast care’ nurse ‘don’t contact us if you have any concerns contact your GP or A&E’! On the outside I try to stay calm but there are a thousand questions I want to ask but no one to answer them - what makes it worse for me is I am a trained nurse who is thoroughly disillusioned by my colleagues! I am so pleased to have found this forum - sending you a hug from me to you! Wishing you well. Best wishes

Dear Julie, how really terrible for you. Bad enough you had to go through this anyway, without them ‘doing’ the wrong one. Best wishes for your next operation. Writing down the questions you want to ask might help you for Monday. I’m thinking of doing that when I go for my op results in 2 weeks time. All the best.

Hi Julie I know how you feel, I had a similiar op on the 9th of Feb and I have to wait 4 weeks for the results - to see if everything is ok. I’ve waited 2 weeks so just 2wks to go!!! Going to be hard to wait, but it will get there eventually. Same for you too, its just not easy is it!!! hugs all round.x

Well, I went to see the surgeon last Monday and, although not entirely convinced I decided to go ahead with the second op to remove the lump.

The surgeon was fairly sure that the cancer would not have spread within the three weeks since the lymph nodes were sampled and the only other thing they could do was a full lymph node clearance. I feel this is a rather drastic step if it may not even be necessary. I wasn’t convinced that he understood my fears, but he did point out that there would be plenty of follow up checks in the months/years after the op.

So I had the second op on Wednesday and I now have to wait all over again to see if they got it right this time - and if they got clear margins. I hope I don’t have to have another op, I don’t know how my body will cope with a third anaesthetic - it has taken me until today (Sunday) to recover from this one. I find the operations very stressful as I have type 1 diabetes and the whole thing plays havoc with my blood sugar!

I am trying to remain positive but it is really hard sometimes.

I am sorry to hear you have had such poor ‘service’ from the Breast Care nurse, mine have been great, they said if I had any worries to call them and, if they were not there, to contact the ward direct. I hope you have got your results now and it is good news.

4 weeks is a long wait, still, nearly there now, I hope it is good news

Hi Julie
You sound like you have handled that so well, it must have been such a shock to go through the op then be told “ooops” - and have to have a second one.
Hope the results come through for you, fingers crossed for the clear margins. It is such an uncetain time, isn’t it, just seem to go from one lot of waiting to another, but we’ll all get there.

I’m sure your surgeon is right, there won’t be spread during the 3 weeks, my op has been postponed due to a technical hitch - I got my diagnosis on Feb 16th, should have had op on March 6th, but now waiting till April 2nd, and have been told that the delay won’t matter. (Apart from my increasingly loopiness! - anxiety +++)

“Try not to worry” is such a daft thing to say, I know - because that is all we seem to do right now! - but stay positive, - look after yourself,

Hi there Julie…have you had your 2nd op yet? If so I really hope it went well! If you have had your op you will be waiting for further results…keep your chin up love…you’ll get there.

Hi Lizzie, poor you having to wait all that time for a postponement…it’s definitely the waiting that is the worst!!!

Hey there ctrikey…I had to have a 2nd op last wednesday, and am waiting another 3weeks for results…so I sympathise with you and know how you feel!! The waiting is bad…but don’t let it get you down…keep busy and time will pass by a bit quicker…hopefully!!

take care


Hi emather,
I think what you breast care nurse probably meant by 'concerns’is if you had any pain or discomfort to go to GP or A+E about it.You should still be able to ring your breast care nurse if you have any questions you need to ask.I find that sometimes they don’t use the right choice of words when they are explaining things to you.
Hope you are ok.
Alli x