Hello all!
Thought I posted here but can’t find it.
Honestly not sure what I’m hoping to get from posting. I know I just have to wait and try not to stress but here goes nothing.
I’m 36 and have BC history in the fam. My maternal grandmother died with BC and my maternal Aunt is in remission. I’ve experinced pain from my armpit down the side of my breast (right side) for over a year now. Thought both felt kind of lumpy but nothing that really stood out as an “oh no” lump. Had mentioned it to my gyno a while ago but was shrugged off because everything “felt” fine. They told me to lay off caffeine.
The pain has recently gotten more intense and constant, whereas before it would come and go. I saw my GP who told me to see my Gyno and they sent me for an ultrasound. The tech found a cyst on the left side (the side that doesn’t hurt). She also said that she was a mammographer and kept encouraging me to have a mammogram (which had me a little freaked out). When I went back to my Gyno for results (they had also done a cervical ultrasound. They said everything was good and no sign of cancer. I asked what about my breast ultrasound and they had to call the hospital and argue with them to get my results. They finally came back in and said you’re good to go? I said, “what about the cyst”? She said, “I guess it was ok. They said it was good”.
Shew sorry this is so long…
A couple of weeks later I get the paper results saying it was clear, but only on the right side but not in the left (the one they found the cyst in). I called to question about the left side and they said they had no record of a cyst. The tech went over it 7 times and took measurements so they said it should have been documented. They referred me to Breast Clinic for a mammo and now I’m waiting for my appt on the 10th.