You're Rather Young For That...How Old Were You?

41 when diagnosed in Feb

I was 33. like a lot of you i was told by my GP and then the breast specialist at the hospital (on the day of biospy/mamogramme etc) that it was unlikely to be cancer as i was too young…how wrong where they.

I was 39 when diagnosed Feb 2009.


I was 38 when dx. Grandmother dx at 57 died 61
First cousin dx at 38 - 13 years ago still NED,

Hi Ruby

Great idea for a thread and thanks for starting it.

I was 38 when DX last May (and my baby son was only nine months old!)

Shenagh xx

P.S. Oscarbailey - I love your profile pic!

I was 42, no family history, tho originally found lump at 41. Was told it was cyst.


Was 44, with no family history of BC.


I was dx at 43, my two sisters at 29 and 40, we are all BRCA2. Also a cousin dx 38 no family history (different side of family)


All cases of breast cancer diagnosed are fed into the national office of statistics, thus the incidences of breast and other cancers are studied. The latest information relates to 2006, these are some of the key findings.

49,452 cases of breast cancer diagnosed in the UK in 2006 are included in this report. Of these, 84% were diagnosed in England, 9% in Scotland, 5% in Wales and 2% in Northern Ireland. 81% of breast cancers were diagnosed in patients aged 50 and over, 19% in patients aged less than 50 and 29% in patients aged over 70.
Age Profile
The cohort of patients diagnosed with breast cancer in 2006 had an age distribution ranging from 18 to 106
81% of breast cancers were diagnosed in patients aged 50 and over. This is similar to other studies which have demonstrated that the majority of breast cancers are diagnosed in the peri/post menopausal years.
Overall there were 9226 cases of <50 Age. (2006)
There is a very comprehensive report on this link and then open the “all breast cancer report” pdf.
One would assume GP’s are aware of these figures and would stop dismissing women’s concerns purely because they do not fit the general profile.
I was 45 at dx this feb. Tina.

I was 37 when diagnosed although first went to Drs when 35 with thickening and was told it was a sclerosis - not sure about maternal history as mum was adopted and no history of bc on paternal side



I was dx when I was 24. There’s thread (started by me) “Anyone diagnosed in their 20s?”. There are a few of us there. You can count all of us in.

Where I came from - China, the awareness was very poor because there wasn’t that many cases (although it’s on the rise now). I was never educated in this area. The Internet net has been great in providing me with the knowledge and made me realize I had to go to my GP to get it checked. My GP was great and referred me the next day.


Hi, I went to dr with lump at 36 yrs old was dismissed as not cancer, eventually same lump dx at 40 when I moved .


I was 37 when first dx in 2003.

Alison x

Hi everyone

Found lump myself. Age 54, no family history of breast cancer or any other cancer. I have 3 older sisters.

I was 46 my mum was 42.

I’m sick of GPs making stupid remarks like this. We’re not stupid. No longer are they the keepers of medical knowledge. We can Google. We can get the statistics.
If our cancer is well advanced when it is found we are made to feel it’s our fault as we ‘didn’t present early enough’. What exactly are we supposed to do to be taken seriously?

Hi Everyone
Aged 38 with no family history!

I have found link with night shifts very interesting as have worked shift all my life!

Are more women working nights???

Ruby - Did I miss it somewhere or did you not say how old you were at dx?

I was 55 and my Mum 76, btw.

Ann x

I was 47. I think my large tumor had been brewing for some time. R.x

My daughter was 32 and a distant cousin on her father’s side was also 32 and diagnosed in the same year.
My school friend’s daughter was 34- she died last year aged 37

I also know 2 other women in their early 40s (one of these has also died).

I was diagnosed at 65- no previous history in our family before my daughter and no genetic link found. I’m 2 years post diagnosis.

My daughter had a 2nd cancer in her other breast but is OK, 8 years from the first diagnosis and 3 years from the second- we say our prayers.

44 at diagnosis and no family history x