Blood from nipple after aspiration

Hi everyone. 

Sorry I’m back with more questions! 

As part of my appointment on weds I had fine needle aspiration from both breasts where they thought they saw a cyst.  Since I hadn’t felt any lump at all before on one side and was a bit worried I missed it I was having a bit of a poke and prod last night.  This seemed to cause a couple of dark red droplets of blood instead of my normal discharge. Is this normal or should I be telling someone about this? (it’s on the side they were less worried about where I didn’t have the 3d scan but the aspitate was bloody). 

Probably overthinking things.  I tried to Google to find out if this could happen but it hasn’t been much help.  They didn’t say this could happen at the appointment but they didn’t say much from what I can remember!

Any experiences would be gratefully received. 

Hi @Ariom22  

Thank you for your post. 

I’m sorry that you haven’t had a reply yet. You may find it helpful to speak to one of our Breast Care Nurses on our free Helpline - 0808 800 6000.

If you prefer, you can also get in touch in the Ask Our Nurses area of the Forum and they can respond to you online.

Best wishes
Social Media Officer