Feeling confused

I recently went for my first mammogram (I’m 42) at the request of my maternal grandmother who was recently diagnosed with stage 2 breast cancer. Sure enough they detected lesions and I was sent for a core needle biopsy. The Radiologist told me upon leaving the Monday afternoon biopsy appointment that my results could take up to a week or more.  But the nurse from my family physicians office called me that Thursday already giving me the results over the phone which were “the findings were  benign.” Then continued with “We are just waiting on the Radiologists report to confirm and give us an appropriate schedule for future mammogram screening.”  I’m curious to know is it common to get results regardless of good news over the phone? And then again before all reports have been read? 

Hi Bruins63


The radiographer told me that he was 99% certain I had cancer during the ultrasound, I was then given confirmation over the phone, which at that time was grade 2 breast cancer, after lumpectomy and node removal it was actually grade 3. The nurse felt that I understood and could manage the news hence telling me over the phone, Im glad they did as this gave me chance to think about the questions I was going to ask at my appointment and also make sure I had someone with me.


The teams are very experienced and they would only give you the info if they were confident it was correct, although things do change as more tests and analysis are completed.


I wish you well on your journey

Helly xx