My lump seems massive



I have been to the breast clinic and had the mamogram, biopsy and ultra sound.  I am awaiting to go back next friday and I really am trying to stay positive.

mt problem is that I have had a breast reduction about 8 yrs ago as they were really massive.  When they scanned me they said I have a lump and my lymph nodes are inflamed.

I can feel the lump and it feels massive. I keep thinking how did I not notice??

But I thought because I had put on weight since the breast reduction that maybe the skin was pushing it out under my arm.  God I feel like a fool and I am waiting with my heart in my mouth because I know something is amiss. I am having all the thoughts of how I am going to manage, I am a single Mum with three girls, one is off to Uni, One is suffering from anxiety and is being home schooled, and the other is 10 with lots of energy dont really know what I want anyone to say,  thanks for reading - Annie

Hello Annie, just replying to say you are not on your own and I know all kinds of thoughts will be going through your head, but as many on here will say try not to think to far ahead, even though that is not easy.



Sometimes a lump can appear overnight, my first lump I found seemed large and questioned how long it had been there but after biopsy etc and the week wait turned out to be a scar lump caused by being ‘stuck’ with a branch of a tree whilst out with the dog the week before.


My reason for being on this forum now was due to a routine mammogram in March  and no lumps what so ever felt but discovered during scan biopsy and MRI.


Look up some of the other posts if you want information but please do not use Dr Google… lots of hugs and fingers crossed for good results on Friday




Hi Annie


It’s Emily here from Breast Cancer Care. 


I really hope you had a positive outcome from your results last week. If you did have a breast cancer diagnosis, then help is here for you. We have a few volunteers who were single mums at the time of their results and treatment. If you’d like to speak to someone by email or phone at any point, feel free to send me a private message over the forum, and I can put you in touch. 


Best wishes

Emily at Breast Cancer Care