Raised LFTs


I found a lump in my breast last weekend. Saw my GP on Monday and have an appointment at the breast clinic next Wednesday. All very worrying but what’s panicking me most is that I had a routine blood test in July which showed raised LFT’s and enlarged red blood cells. My GP wanted me to have a re-test done in 2 months which I did last week but I have been unable to get the results yet as the GP needs to look at them. 


Having googled (I know it’s a bad idea!) metastatic cancer has appeared. I have been following a healthy lifestyle for the past few months but have lost over 2 stone. The worst bit of this whole process as I’m sure you’ll all understand is the waiting and not knowing. Can anyone give me any advice or knowledge regarding the LFT’s and the likely process at the breast clinic please?


Thank you x

Hello Helen,


Sorry to hear you are having such a worrying time at the moment.  I can not give you any specific advice about raised LFTs apart from to say that as far as I am aware  there are a number of causes  that can affect the levels of the  various substances tested including being on certain medications.  Did you ask the GP for any specific details? Don’t be jumping the gun just yet Helen.  Breathe deep and remind yourself to take one step at a time.  If you are going to the breast clinic, they may also take a blood tests.  You could also let them know about your recent blood tests and any worries you may have. 


Anyway Helen, I just wanted to wish you all the best for your appointment at the breast clinic on Wednesday.  Bear in mind that there are various causes of breast lumps and most are benign.  Whatever the outcome, you are doing the best thing now and getting yourself checked out at an early stage after finding it.  I have attached a link to the information on this site which explains what might happen at your appointment.  Sometimes places send you an information booklet/written information  to prepare you so it’s a shame if you did not get anything like that. 




My initial experience was over 3 years ago.  Remember all our experiences may be different and the need for further tests will depend on the outcome of others. On attending the clinic,  I was first sent for a mammogram and then  had a chat with a nurse giving information and then a physical exam and chat with a doctor and nurse.  Based on that,  I then needed to have an ultra sound around the breast and lymph nodes under the arm  and then had to have a fine needle aspiration (FNA)  on the lump and from one lymph node.   I felt very exposed during the ultra sound and was a bit uncomfortable during the FNA.  I remember a very nice nurse trying to distract me and giving me her hand to hold.  I like to know what is going on so I kept my eye on the screen and also asked questions.   I  then had to wait to see the doctor again where I was given an indication of the results but not a  definite diagnosis as I needed a core biopsy based on the FNA results of the lump.  Ideally I should have had the core biopsy that day but had to wait two weeks for it instead.


 It all lasted hours and at one point I got sick of waiting endlessly in the waiting room that I told them they had to give me a time to come back because I was tired, thirsty, hungry and had a bleeding headache and I needed a change of scenery!  So be prepared just in case you have a long wait as these places can be very busy.  I was ok on my own as this was preferable for me whatever the outcome, However, this is not everyone’s cup of tea so maybe think about going with someone if you haven’t already arranged this. 


Take care Helen,

Chick x