Waiting for biopsy results - feeling numb

Hi all


i am back again, 2nd time round and feel numb. 


Grade 1 breast cancer 2 years ago, Lumpectomy, SNB and Rads. 


At my routine oncologist appointment, I mentioned a cough  and enlarged lymph nodes under my arm. He was not concerned as they had looked at some the previous year and they came back clear. 


Decided to scan to make sure though so went to my appointment Thursday. 


What a rollercoaster. I went alone, saw the radiology Doctor who had diagnosed my initial cancer.  She found a few nodes with significantly thickened cortex. These were biopsied and another aspirated. All samples have been sent for testing.  


I asked what what she thought and she said it was highly luckily that it is a local recurrence. She said you’ve done it once, so can do it again. I was then moved to the waiting room, while she rushed me through for a CT scan and then a liver scan. These were fine as far as she could see 


Everyone was so lovely, nurses just held me and fed me sweet tea. They also got me to call a friend up to be with me. Just was such a shock and still trying to process it all. 


I am hoping against all hopes that she is wrong, she is too.  A few days of waiting now have been made manageable with sleeping pills from my lovely GP. 


Fingers crossed her initial thoughts are wrong and I can move on from this scare.


take care lovely ladies xx





Hi Rachel,


No wonder you are feeling numb…I had a scare a couple of years ago and understand that feeling of having been told to be prepared, but still not knowing.


It sounds like your hospital and medical team are extremely efficient which is good. I get that it’s a real head-spin. 

As your oncologist says you got through it before and if it turns out more treatment is needed, she is right that you can get through it again…but I know that feeling of nooo, please let the results come back clear.


Good that your GP has been able to help on the sleeping front. I found practicing mindfulness helped keep me calm waiting for the follow up results from a scare and spending time with friends young children helped me momentarily almostt push it out of my mind.


Be kind to yourself and try to do whatever helps to relax you and a few things which may help distract you while waiting for the results.


Sending big hugs, 

Seabreeze x