duct removal op scheduled- what to expect?


Only three weeks ago I saw my GP to discuss spontaneous clear/ pink discharge from my right nipple. It started as dark tea coloured and is now pink or clear, thin and watery. My breast feeding days finished 20 years ago so I knew it was unusual but things have suddenly galloped on a pace. GP referred me to the breast clinic and I was seen 9 days later. Mammogram, then called in for an ultrasound at which point the radiographer told me there and then that I had slightly enlarged glands but they were nothing to worry about. I proceeded through to the next appointment with the consultant 10 mins later, already feeling slightly embarrassed for wasting NHS time in the middle of the pandemic. I was therefore most surprised when he tested the discharge, glanced at the nurse, and said I needed surgery asap. He never mentioned cancer, but did say that he strongly advised duct removal as soon as I could complete 14 days of covid self isolating. I am scheduled for the op on the 19th. 

12 years ago I had a fibroadenoma removed from the same breast, lab results indicated it was benign and I’ve had no issues since (other than making me very ‘breast aware’) but I don’t remember it moving quite this quickly, though I realise that I am lucky that it is as the waiting around can be so stressful. 

At the moment it feels like quite drastic action, I have no idea what to expect from the operation other than I will be a day patient and it will be done under a GA.  I’d really appreciate any experience of having this kind of op in terms of recovery, outcomes, further tests etc. 

I’m hating the self isolating stage, though it has made me much more empathetic with those having to shield due to treatment, what a hard time so many people are having. 


hmmh, I was hoping to hear that it was a very common procedure with a quick recovery. I’ll post here next week after my op and share my experience incase anyone else is in the same boat…