removed and less than 2 years and have another lump

Has anyone had more than one of these? I had a scan and biopsy less than 2 years ago and had it removed due to severe anxiety and now another lump found same breast different location. I’m booking app tomorrow for doc to refer me back to breast clinic



Chances are that it is another fibrodema, I understand that they are common and it is not unusual to have more than one. 


Good that you are going to book to see your GP tomorrow as this will give you peace of mind.


Let us know how you get on if you want to.


Sending you hugs


Helena xx

Thank you, I will. My anxiety is really bad so I think they will have to give me something for that too! I’m hoping the fact I was scanned less than 2 years ago and nothing was found of concern other than the benign lump is a good thing. Of course all I’m thinking about is cancer and I’ve not been able to get out of bed for days

I had 2 surgeries , i had a big lump removed from the right breast and after a year two new lumps were formed in the same breast and had to remove it too.

.mine fibroadenoma in left breast was removed in 2013 when i was of 18… which was of size nearly 4cm and then i got new one which was really small to feel or examine my doctor only gave me medicines to make it disappear…i never felt pain in breast but after surgery i started to get slight pain in breast for a while usually once in 6 months or a year or mostly once in month…can i say that its not a reasonable pain?
By the way i left my fibroadenoma untreated and its same in size as it was in 2014…i think its stable now… im confused that should i go to see a doctor or not as pain is also not reasonable but i only feel some tenderness in both breasts…having no sharp pain…
may it will help u…u can ask any questions nd plz give suggestions to me