Do I have IBC?

Since late 2017, I’ve had skin changed around my nipples - skin changes such as it becomes itchy and the skin texture changed to a dark tone (I’d say 3 shades darker that my skin tone) and when this happened back then I told my mum and we went to the GP and he said it is likely to be eczema. He gave me the some cream which did help (it took rather long) but from what I remember it soon cleared. Since then, this skin changes and itchiness keeps happening every now and again - as in it happened every year for maybe 2 or 3 weeks and then clears and randomly starts again. I have never kept a diary of when it happens so I guess I should maybe start but it has never pained me. I just find myself some nights just scratching my breasts viciously and sometimes without realising.

Come 2020, I noticed at the start of the year a small bump on one of my nipples and as soon as I see anything change with my breasts or nipples I go straight to the internet. The bump changes regularly from a small bump to almost a small thing ridge. Three days ago, when getting in the shower I noticed that a small bump just outside the nipple area (different nipple) appeared and a of a red colour. Not a deep red but almost like a softish red. This doesn’t hurt of anything but it this is the first time I have seen it.

I go through phases massively of thinking I have breast cancer or inflammatory breast cancer and even pagets disease as I feel like my breasts match the symptoms I read online. But then I snap out of it wen I look at diagrams and real-life images as I then find that nobody has what I have. If anyone could give their opinion on my situation, good or bad, it would settle my nerves and help a lot. I am a 21 year old too if that helps!

Hi mgcwaterx - it sounds as if you are extremely vigiliant and know your body well, and from your visit to your GP a few years ago you know that that there can be many reasons for breast changes, not always sinister. However, I think everyone on here would agree that it is always a good idea to see your GP if you notice any changes. It is worth keeping a diary to see if the changes happen around your period, as that could be the answer in your case (I am not medical, so I don’t want to comment on your symptoms myself).

You could also call the lovely nurses on the helpline at the top of the page, but I would encourage you to call your GP, who will probably want to see you. Don’t be alarmed if you are then sent to the breast clinic, GPs always err on the side of caution and check out any changes that worry them.

We are all here for you, to chat and listen and advise. Most of all I would advise you to stay away from Dr Google, I know it is tempting but he really doesn’t know your situation.

My very best wishes, Evie xx

Hi mgcwaterx,

You mention you were treated for eczema in late 2017 and used cream which eventually helped. Have you used anything for eczema since - I’m just wondering if that could be causing the latest round of itching? Eczema can seem to have gone and then keep reappearing again. It can also flare up if/when we are stressed and spring/summer/autumn 2020 hasn’t exactly been all fluffy clouds sailing across never ending blue skies! 

I think you might find it helpful to phone the Breast Cancer Now nurse (telephone number at top right hand side of screen) or post in the questions for nurses section of the forum.

Plus please make an appointment with your GP since regardless of what’s up/causing the skin issue, it sounds like that itchy skin needs some treatment/help. This would give you an opportunity to discuss the other aspects too (and hopefully give you the reassurance you seek - I’m not an expert but you are so young I’d imagine the chances are extremely low of inflammatory bc). 

Seabreeze X