Have I

Hi i am having an appounyment at the breast clinic on friday but cant sleep for worry. We have a high instance of breast cancer in our family. My sister has just been diagnosed for the second time.
I have a very painful breast. I cant lay on it i have a thickening to the side near my armpit and my arm is constantly aching… as i move my arm it geels like its rubbingnon something in my breast. When looking at my breasts in the mirror there is a definate lump to the side which feels like gristle. What can it be if not cancer … ??

Hi, i dont know - its entirely possible its something harmless but i wanted to say keep busy and hope youre ok, waiting is the worst bit x

Hi Maz,
There are many things it could be & you’ve done all you need to, to get it checked out.
Hopefully, all’s well, it usually is.
If you want to, us know how you get on.
ann x