Larger painful left breast. purple prominent vein?

Hi everyone! (me again haha)

I have recently wrote about how i have an inflamed left breast which is on and off painful to touch even bruised like, i completely forgot to mention when i had my son 4 years ago i had a strech mark soon after it was also a faint line with a purple tint nothing too noticeable, but now i have realised thats exactly where the pain is when i press down on the stretch mark. I have my screening appointment on the 14th Feb. every morning i wake up and hope its gone but still there and im so worried i can’t help but think the worst my baby is only 4 and needs me I know im thinking so negatively and i shouldn’t but i don’t have a mum or big family so i don’t have a huge support system. Has anyone else or does anyone know of something similar? 

Hi @charlotted321  I’m sorry to read this and that you’re feeling this way. If you ever want to talk things through, or just need a listening ear, we’re here to support you. You can get in touch with our breast care nurses on our free phone Helpline - 0808 800 6000. 

Sending our warmest wishes x
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