Nipple discharge & pain in left breast

Hi everyone,


I have my 3rd urgent referral to the breast clinic this week, following nipple discharge in my left breast. My 1st was 2 years ago - had an ultrasound and they didn’t find anything. My 2nd was 27th December 2019 where they found a lump quite deep in my left breast during ab ultrasound but they said it was just a cyst so they used a needle to remove some of the fluid and that was it - no follow up. But a few weeks later the discharge started again and I’ve had horrible pain in my left breast and nipple. Sometimes my nipple hurts when my clothes touch it! That same nipple has also inverted. My GP has referred me again urgently and I just don’t know what to expect! Should I be worried? I’m 30 years old, with a history of BC on my fathers side. Any advice or support would be truly welcomed x

Hi I’m sorry you are having to go through this again it’s horrible having the worry hanging over you .Did they test the fluid they removed from your cyst ? Given that you have been seen so recently hopefully the new issues are also as a result of the cyst? Fingers crossed for you - when is your appointment ?