Chemo - taxol herceptin and zoledronic

Hi.  Is there anybody out there who is due to start chemo paclitaxel herceptin followed by zoledronic acid.  I have had a mastectomy and am due to start the above and wondered if anyone has been through it and can tell me about it 


Hi Juno. I had 3 FEC chemo followed by 3 Docetaxol with Herceptin and Pertuzemab. I finished Chemo on 24th Jan and had a masectomy on 19th Feb. I have carried on with Herceptin injections every 3 weeks and i have jad 11 of 18
They will finish in December. I take Letrozole daily and will start Zelondronic acid infusions soon. I have had a tooth out so cant start them til its completely healed.

The d9cetaxol is part of the taxol drugs as is paclitaxol but pax is given weekly and jas less side effects i think. Herceptin does have side effects but they are doable. I have been told to tale paracetamol for 3 days before zel acid amd 3 days afyer as it can cause bone pain and flu like symptoms. However we are all different and react differently to drugs so i think it is best to stay positive and see how we go. Best of luck Juno xx