December 2019 Chemo Starters


This thread is for anyone due to start chemotherapy in December 2019.  I’m sure others will be here soon but please introduce yourself and you can all help one another through this phase of your treatment.  If you have any questions please post away on here and others in the community will watch over you whilst you are getting started.  Once you are into it you’ll be pretty good at helping each other.  You can also ask the nurses on this forum if you have any concerns.  In the meantime, the top tip is always to stay well hydrated throughout chemo, aiming for 2 litres of water per day.


Here is the BCC guide on chemo:…


I finished my chemo over a year ago and doing very well again now.  Here is my story which has some chemo tips on how I coped which were collectively shared from others who had gone through the same from this forum:


If you decide to set up a private group its good to stay on here also during treatment as I know from experience there are some people who watch but don’t immediately pluck up the courage to join in.  Your conversations can be a real comfort to others.


Best wishes xx

Hi, I’m Carolyn… I’m 44 and start my chemo on 3 Dec, am really nervous!! 
Saw my oncologist yesterday and the side effects are scaring me to hell.

i start Fec-t, 6 rounds, every 3 weeks. 
I have idc grade 2, 5cm, 1 lymph node involved, her2 neg. 

starting with chemo to hopefully shrink tumour prior to surgery. 
wondering whether to try cold cap as my bcn said it’s unlikely to work. X

Hi all!


I’ve had a mastectomy and auxiliary node clearance, finally getting a diagnosis of T4 N2 MX, grade 2, ER+, HER2- followed by a load of stats and numbers and icky bits that I really don’t want to know about - every time I go it seems they just bombard me with more “now it may be a little worse than we hoped…” and I’ve had enough of that and told them to just tell me what they want me to do and I’ll argue each traatment as we go!

Chemotherapy I have been reluctant about, mostly due to a family history of heart problems but also due to my treatment at A&E after my mastectomy when I ended up needlessly running a huge infection which should never have got that far of they’d listened to me in the first place! (rant over!)

However, I have been convinced that my prognosis  really isn’t particularly fantastic and that chemotherapy is more or less essential… So… 9th December here I come!

Considering I have asked every question going about the treatment and insisted on every reassurance possible, insisted also on extra tests for my heart that normally they wouldn’t have done, I’m now actually feeling pretty much prepared and ready for this… 

Initially I’m to have 8 EC-T, with a variety of accompanying tablets to start at various stages and a warning that they may well be advising me to have regular chemo sessions for life and that even if I don’t now it’s likely to be the case at some point.

Right now though, so much is unknown, I’m just taking every day as it comes and preparing for the worst but believing in the best - I reckon the 8 EC-T followed by 20 rads and then whatever cocktail of endocrine/biophosphates will be enough for the foreseeable future and I intend to be back at work by the summer holidays! ?

So… Let’s go! 

Hi ladies,

I’m due to start chemo this month too. I have my oncologist appointment on Tues 3rd and they’ve said I’ll probably start the following week.

I have already had my wide excision and pleased to say my results from that in Friday were clear margins and clear lymph nodes. Unfortunately it is triple negative metaplastic though so grade 3 and particularly aggressive for recurrence, hence the chemo and radiotherapy. But it’s low stage so I’m focusing on that.

I’m nervous about chemo but will do whatever it takes to make sure this doesn’t come back!

I more than happy for any advice or tips on managing the side effects as I really want to try to be as normal as possible for my 13 yr old daughter through this so she doesn’t get too scared if the situation.

I’m so glad there is a specific thread with other ladies going through this at the same time, will be nice to feel I have some company. ?

I’m starting neo adjuvant chemo tomorrow with 3 cycles of EC to be followed by 4 cycles of PTD before surgery. Not looking forward to it!


Hi everyone.  I started EC in December after a RB mastectomy for ER+ breast cancer. First 3 treatments were manageable after the first week.  Last week I started the first of 3 docetaxel and the first 3 days I felt absolutely fine.  Then terrible joint and muscle pains, sore jaws/mouth and loss of appetite. That has mostly resolved now but I’ve developed something I believe is palmar plantar or hand and foot syndrome. My right hand looks and feels like it’s been scalded and my left foot sole and toes have also flared up.  It’s really painful and I’m finding it hard to walk or use my hand.  GP has prescribed me a steroid cream but I can’t feel or see any benefit yet. I’d love to hear from anyone experiencing the same.  Thanks.