Extreme tiredness

Hello ladies. I’m new to the Forum but recommended by breast cancer care helpline as a good place to get support.! I’m on second chemo day 6 after treatment last Wednesday and feeling so tired! First chemo feeling bit better by now but this time can hardly get anything done - any tips please? Also reading about nail treatments so that really helpful. ?

I’m also dealing with extreme tiredness following my first dose of T Purplebarb so I sympathise.  Which drug are you on?  I had 4x AC initially but now on 4 x Docetaxol which has definitely wiped me out more.  My chemo team have reassured me it’s to be expected and they’ve suggested I need to plan ahead and not expect too much of myself.  I am accepting all offers of help now whereas I was very reluctant before.  I can only really manage one activity a day that requires any exertion.  Today I managed to put on a wash.  After that I rested and only later hung it out to dry. Doesn’t sound much but I couldn’t have done that yesterday.  I’m trying to pace myself but it’s not easy.  Aiming for a short walk each day is also supposed to help.  MacMillan have a good booklet about coping with fatigue. I got mine at my physio appointment today but I think you might be able to download it online.  I’ve been advised to try and stick to going to bed and waking up at the same time each day and to,try not to nap in the day although sometimes I find it’s unavoidable.   



I treated myself to a gentle hand massage and manicure at a salon before starting my second phase of chemo. I  explained that I was having treatment and didn’t want anything that would break the skin such as cuticle cutting.  They filed my nails and applied  navy nail polish.  It was so lovely to have my hands treated with care rather than being assaulted by cannulas!    


Widhing youall all the best C x

Thanks for reply don’t so feel so alone now! Having 3 x FEC on 2nd one and then 12 x Pactaxol so long way to go yet. Just nice to join forum and discuss things so feel everything ‘normal’ and not to feel guilty because you can’t do anything. Small achievements must be celebrated! Looking into nails too so thanks and hugs ?

Better day today managed to get out eventually but had major meltdown in M&S as so hot!! Never sworn so much in my life but good to get it out. I’m trying to moisturise feet and hands few times a day don’t know if that will help you? ???

Thank you for feedback. Will try as recommended. Any hits and tips gratefully received! ???

Hello ladies, I’m from October 17 chemo monthly group. I had 6 x FEC, radiotherapy and am 11 Herceptin injections down out of 18.
I can echo the advice about moisturizer, you will get through buckets of it!
I can also thoroughly recommend getting out for a walk as soon as you feel even vaguely able. It doesn’t matter whether it’s a walk around the garden or a longer stroll. I found that not only did it get my blood moving which made me feel better it actually helped with the fatigue no end and it saved my sanity last winter when my immunity was shot and I dare not mix with people. I’m lucky to have done country lanes around me but if you have a local park that’s great too. I usually found if I had treatment in a Wednesday by the following Wednesday I could manage about a mile. I wear a fitbit and even the day after treatment I would at least try to do 250 steps an hour each day which is only really up and down the stairs a couple of times. I would make myself do it and combine bring up with getting a drink and having a wee to make sure there was no wasted effort ?.
Wishing you well with your treatment. Joining in with the chemo monthly thread relevant to you will help so much for advice and support and feel free to read the earlier pages of our group from October last year. We discussed a lot and laughed a lot and have now made some firm friends.

Thank you for help ladies. More than anything so nice to feel not alone in all this! Starting to feel bit more energy and have booked pamper session to have nails manicured maybe not black but a dark purple maybe. Shaved head yesterday as felt like ‘Golam I am’ and actually looks ok I think! - adding scarf and big earrings and lipstick when I go out. Hugs to you all ???

Losing my hair has liberated me to be honest. 9 months on from last chemo I have a short spiked style for which I get so many compliments. I have natural ash blond highlights and it has given me a new lease of life ?

Hope you’re doing ok - my hair seems to be growing back ?! ? but I now have that searing pain in my hands ? have ordered Udderly smooth and have a cold mat that is very good - I’ll try anything. The gift that keeps on giving!! ?

Hi cdc. Sorry for delay! Had 3rd and last FECing FEC yesterday and I too am starting weekly pacetaxol in 4 weeks time for 12 weeks. I’ve been told is ‘gentler’ treatment so here’s hoping. Got hands and feet checked yesterday and ok using moisturiser lots and Clinic now recommending the parabalm mentioned in forum I think. It’s expensive and you have to warm it before use but will try anything to avoid worsening. I enjoy knitting crochet so not been able to use hands would be a bummer! Love and hugs to you and everyone else on forum ???

Hi Chaffinch. Yes I found shaving my head quite liberating! No blow drying no products just mild shampo and go! It also seems to be growing back but very thin? Had last FEC yesterday so see what happens in week or so. Going onto weekly pacetaxol end October not sure if that effects your hair but we’ll see. Hugs to you ???