How is type of chemo decided?


Random question- but does anybody know how the types of chemo are decided for each person?

I am currently on Docetaxel and Carboplatin for my HER2+ cancer.

But does anybody know how each persons’ is decided? As I know there are so many types of chemo for breast cancer!


I had that exact chemo regimen and I know that I got that because I take statins and blood pressure tablets and since Herceptin can cause heart issues they did not want be giving a chemo drug known to cause heart issues too. The Fluorouracil (F bit of FEC) can cause cardiac issues.


So it all depends on what other health problems you might have.


Hello Hannahlizzy, 

I think a number of things can influence the chemo regime. For example age of person, grade and stage, type of cancer, other health conditions. 

I think the Carboplatin and Dox regime you are on is a recognised combination for HER+ breast cancer. No doubt you will be getting a few other things thrown into the mix, eg Herceptin.

Best Wishes to you, 

Chick ? x

It depends on your type of cancer, stage and grade. Pre menopausal and post menopausal are also taken into consideration, as are any medication and current health problems . A team considers the results of your biopsies along with other indicators,and makes up an individual plan for you and you alone.

The amount of chemo you are given is worked out on your height and weight- so really, your surface area. They will see how you react to the first dose, then adjust ( or not). Hope this helps. X