Lidk just so lost

im completely and utterly lost. My grandma was diagnostic with stage 3 or 4 breast cancer in July she had both breast removed and was responding amazing to treatment. January 5 my grandma was hospitalized and told she has had stage 4 liver cancer and brain cancer. She decided to stop treatment and go home and enjoy her life with family. She was in so much pain so jaundiced and hallucinating and then slept. She couldn’t even talk**  anymore and within 48 hours of emergency room trip my grandma died it was horrible. I’m struggling I don’t understand how the doctors didnt catch it sooner it’s not fair!!! And I don’t even know how this works will I get cancer too big just hate this she was my world and she’s gone !!! I love you granny RIP Bettie Gail mccraine 07/07/1956-01/07/2020<li-image width=“999” height=“473” alt=“81488890_479961596262718_5330570278562955264_n (1).jpg” align=“center” id=“9368i80B26B264D22B0AB” size=“large” sourcetype=“new”></li-image>**


Sending love and hugs to you.  I am so sorry for your loss xx