Endocrine treatment

I was diagnosed with primary beast cancer on 19/08/19, my lumpectomy was arranged for 13/09/19 and radiotherapy treatments (15) started 01/11/19.

I have been offered either Tamoxifen or Anastrozole but haven’t made a decision, yet.  I wonder if one is a little easier to cope with than the other and would appreciate any help with this decision as I haven’t a clue.  Side effects of both sound unappealing, hoping one might be marginally more manageable.

I have, also, noticed that my ribs just under my affected breast, and under my shoulder blade, feel quite tender - is this something that others have experienced?

Thank you.

Hi Brennie 


The tender ribs sound like the effects of radiotherapy, though I didn’t get that till about 4 weeks after I finished and you are in the very early stage of the treatment. The rays don’t discriminate - everything gets microwaved and it passes through so your shoulder muscle might be affected. It could as easily be a result of unconsciously adjusting your posture to protect your sore boob after surgery. Best to ask when you go for radiotherapy. My rehabilitation physio gave me a simple stretching exercise for the shoulder/rhomboid muscle but I don’t think I could accurately describe it here.


I’ve been on anastrozole since May and have barely noticed, though I am wide awake at 2am so maybe insomnia. In all fairness, my GP prescribed pregabalin (initially gabapentin) for the radiotherapy pain and I know gabapentin is prescribed to mitigate the side effects of anastrozole (menopausal symptoms, joint pain) so I’m guessing pregabalin is doing the same. I’m also having zometa infusion (biphosphonates) every 6 months to strengthen the bones. So far, so good for me. Perhaps speaking to your GP or to one of the nurses here might help?


Good luck. I’m glad I had no choice - I wouldn’t have known where to start.

BrennieM - I have been on Tamoxifen for about 2.5 years and touch wood no obvious side effects, but it does seem to vary very much from person to person. However, my consultant is considering changing me to Anastrozole or Letrozole now that I am post menopausal. I am nervous about changing as I have read about unpleasant side effects - but that may well be because most people only post if they have a problem, rather than telling us the positive stories.


From what I understand, it seems that most post menopausal women are given an aromatase inhibitor, but some are given Tamoxifen or the option. I’ve got an appointment coming up when I will hopefully get some more answers.


One important thing to be aware of is that the brand can make a difference. The actual drug is the same, but the fillers are different and certain brands seem better tolerated. So if you start on one and it doesn’t work you can always try to get a different one - some GPs and chemists seem more helpful than others.


All the best to you as you go through radiotherapy. I have read lots of posts about sore ribs, and I too had them. I was told that mine were somehow linked to my mastectomy. It’s always a good idea to check out any odd pains or aches

Hugs to you, Evie xx