Ibandronic acid dosage

Is anyone taking iasibon acid? I have been told I have osteopenia and need to take it, I am also on anatrozole, I have a prescription for one tablet 50mg per day of iasibon acid is that the same dosage everyone takes?

Hi Bluemonday ,you could ask this in the Ask the Nurses section too .

Hello BlueMonday,

Is there a reason why you are wondering about the dosage?

I am on Anastrazole as well as being declared oesteopenic. (So my years of healthy eating and ?️ bearing exercise did not prevent!).

I am not on Ibandronic/ Iasibon tablets. I have another bishphosphonate - Zometa/Zoledronic 4mg infusion twice a year. However this dosage is different to preventative post meno oeteoporosis dosage I think. That is because it was prescribed as adjuvant treatment for early breast cancer and not for prevention of oesteoporosis. Although it should hopefully have a positive effect on that as well.

Just wondering if you maybe had seen different dosages to yours when it may be prescribed for other reasons. If you are concerned then I would just talk to whoever prescribed it or a pharmacist.

Take care of x ?