
Been taking letrozole for about 3 weeks now my side effects are hot flushes and back pain but I was wondering if anybody else is experiencing waking up with a horrible taste in your mouth.? I have a new surgery date 12 th June first date was cancelled due to covid .


I’m also taking letrozole, have been for about 8 weeks and started experiencing hot flushes and an achy back about 2 weeks ago.  I’m also finding it hard to get back up if I kneel down.  I would class myself as fit and active and until 2 weeks ago was doing 4 workouts a week at home.  But I now feel so achy in the mornings I’ve stopped for the time being.  I’m also have a monthly gorzelone implant injection, are you having this too?  But so far no horrible taste in my mouth.  My mastectomy with immediate reconstruction date of 7th April was cancelled too due to Covid.  I’m hoping the hormone therapy is buying me some time as I’ve refused mastectomy only.

I am waiting for surgeries to restart in my area and in direct contact with the Senior breast surgeon for weekly updates.  He unfortunately has been unable to give me a date yet.  So pleased for you that you have a date.  Can I ask what area you are in and is it a reconstruction surgery?

Simmo xx