Prickly Itchy Skin Letrozole.

Does this happen to anyone else, when I go through one of my (Sweaty Betty’s) as I call them my skin starts to itch (a prickly itch) it goes as soon as the sweat is over, neither is the skin red - does this happen to others.
It feels like I have fallen in the nettle bush (another one of life’s little joys)

Poppy xx

Yes! I was told that it wasn’t proper Prickly Heat as I didn’t come out in hives, but it felt just like prickly flipping heat to me! It was awful and happened every time I had a hot flush.

Eventually I bypassed the cancer nurse specialist who suggested I ‘just put up with it’ and went to my oncology doctor who took me off Letrozole and put me on Exemestane. Not only did it stop the itchiness, but it also helped massively with the joint pain.

I still get hot flushes, but not as bad as they were before. The only additional side effect has been dizziness.