
I have never written on a forum in my life. I was a hopeless cancer patient. I cried and said I could not do the chemo but you do, of course you do.  Life goes on and nearly a year on, I am the first to say that moving on from cancer feels good! But I also have to admit I am not where I thought I would be and not feeling my old self as I expected.

My treatment for TNBC finished in December - lumpectomy with chemo and radiotherapy to round off. I am 55 and feel about 90 thanks to low energy, body pain and stiffness.

I am happy to be here on the forum and happy to pick up any tips. And ashamed to admit to anyone else that some days I just want to cry because my eyelashes, who I was so excited to see grow back are coming out again and my also once exciting new hair growth, is horribly manly as well as white and stupidly curly.

I am not sure that is me in the mirror, or inside. There I have said it!

I have been given antidepressants to help with pain and hot flushes but they have not worked for me. I am having accupuncture this week however. Has anyone else had success? I will share my experience.


@ROSELGAR   - A VERY warm welcome to this wonderful Forum.

Hey, I flippin “APPLAUD” you girl, for getting through what you have done. I’m not surprised you’re upset at losing lashes and hair! Neither am I not surprised in your “I’m not where I thought I’d be and not feeling my “old” self, as I expected”. I think we can “expect” too much of ourselves, with what is basically a massive, major life changing experience - ALL not for GOOD reason “changes”. You don’t just “grieve” or “mourn” for any physical bodily loss through surgery, but the person we were before the impact of it all. Strong, driven, independent, ambitious, together, tough, strong - be that phys or mentally. Takes a HUGE toll.

You ever attended a “Moving Forward” course?? I’ve heard such great things about them. You can find details on here. Think they’re currently on-line. Have a look:- forum.breastcancernow.org/t5/Online-courses-and-programmes/ct-p/online-courses-and-programmes

In the meantime, keep giving yourself pats on the back. You’re doing great, and you’re looking great too, girl!!!  Be “gentle” on yourself.

I hope the acupuncture helps with your hot flushes and pain.  I’m particularly interested to hear if it helps with the Hot Flushes side, as I have a wry time with. They reduce my heating bills in Winter, Hey flippin Ho  but . . . . a piggin nuisance.

Lotsa lurrrv,  DoollallyDelly  xx