Resources and Support for older children

Has anyone come across good online resources/support for children? I’m not looking for books or leaflets as I know my daughter will ignore them. My neighbour suggested RipRap but I feel it’s too grown up for my 10 year old and she might be freaked out by kids posting about their parents’ unfavourable prognosis. Thanks 

hey catzmagic

i struggled with this too (had to share the news last w/e). in the end didn’t use any resources, but went for a really simple explanation. and then gave space for all the questions as they trickled through. promised her i’d answer anything as best i could, but sometimes i might not have answers. i let her give it a name so we don’t have to talk about cancer the whole time. and i’m encouraging open conversation about it as much as possible. I didn’t like any of the websites either. good luck.