37 & looks like I have cancer!



I’m not quite sure what to write as I’m still unsure of what is happening, but I’ll write what I know to date. About four weeks ago I went for my appointment at the breast clinic after being referred by my GP as I’d found a lump in my left breast, (where I’d thought one of my children had elbowed me)!! The GP didn’t seem too concerened, so I felt a bit reassured. However, after my mammogram I had an ultrasound, which took a long time, whereby they decided they wanted to perform a biopsy, I now started to worry. I’d had a biopsy about 15 years ago, (on the other breast which turned out to be a fibroadenoma), so wasn’t worried about what would happen, but was about the result.  A week later, (which felt l like a lifetime), I got an inconclusive result, with apparent insuffucient sampling. So, I had to have the biopsy repeated, (from the opposite side), & a clip was inserted. I then went on holiday, obviously pre-booked, for 2 weeks, (which wasn’t fun as I just wanted to know)! So, I return for my appointment on 1st to be told that the second biopsy was benign, BUT…it was actually the first biopsy they’d taken which was concerning them. From one of the tiny slithers of the core biopsy they’d taken they’d found cancer, but because it was so small and just on only one piece of the biopsy tissue the pathologist had to think about cross contamination. However, after looking at all of the other cancer samples that day none of them matched mine. So, that tiny piece of tissue has gone off for DNA sampling to be 100% sure it belongs to me, (which the drs are almost certain it does and I’ve come to terms with its mine). So next step is a breast MRI on the 16th which will hopefully locate the exact area of this cancer, (invasive ductal), &  I have an appointment on the 23rd for the results of that and then hopefully we can plan what happens next.  The drs do seem to think it is very tiny and kept inside the lump, but that’s all I really know. The waiting for results is SO difficult. Every ache and pain convinces me that the cancer has spread. I’ve had a feeling of a lump in my throat for the past 2 weeks, which I’m thinking is probably due to anxiety as I’ve never felt so stressed in my life, (and I’ve been through years of IVF which was pretty stressful)!! Just wondered if there’s anyone out there that understands how I’m feeling as feeling pretty alone. I’m very lucky as have a lovely husband, 2 gorgeous children and great family and friends who are always there if I need them for anything, but no one really understands as , (thankfully) they’re not going through this.  xx

Hi Jk7704 and welcome to the BCC forums where you will find support and shared experiences from your fellow users

Our helpliners are on hand with practical and emotional support on 0808 800 6000 and lines are open weekdays 9-5 and Saturdays 10-2 so please feel free to call to talk your concerns over during this worrying time for you

Take care
Lucy BCC

Hi Jk don’t worry I have only set one version live on the forums
