About to embark on the journey of chemo .........


I was diagnosed with BC on November 15th 2012, 1.3mm tumour in left breast, ER+, Grade 3, no Lymph NI. This cancer arrived (thought by docs) due to damage caused by previous radiotherapy i had 18 years ago for non hodgkins lymphoma (from which i recovered well) had a left mastectomy on 19th December 2012 and am due to start chemo in a few weeks EEK- in one way chemo doesnt feel as horrific to me as as it might do to someone who hasnt been through it before, on the other hand I know what’s coming!! I have been reading all of your posts the last few weeks and have related so much to what some of you have said, however i don’t know where to begin posting so thought I would just post an introduction as a starting point.

Im 37, married to a lovely husband and we have two beautiful children 5yrs and 1yr old, they have been and are my absolute strength and inspiration to kick this thing into touch! I feel confident about treatment and getting through this but I’m terrified about the future, i.e learning to live with this again, possibility of reoccurance or other cancers. I would love to hear from anyone, in particular mums, anyone who has had BC as a result of previous cancer treatments or anyone who lives in the Coventry&Warwickshire area.

Keep Strong

Sarah x

Dear HaloB

Welcome to the BCC forum where I hope you will find lots of support.

You may find it useful to join the “Starting chemo in January” thread:


or if the date you are due to begin chemo is in February you could start a new topic.Hope this helps

Very best wishes


BCC Moderator

Hi Sarah, I’m 41 & dx on dec 11th , I have a beautiful daughter aged 6 & live with my OH , I had a WLE on 28th Dec & ANC but I get my results tomorrow what type / stage etc plus my treatment plan , I expect to receive chemo similar time to yourself altho will know more after tomorrow .
Obviously my little one knows I’ve had a lump removed but not told her about bc yet, I’m waiting until my results are known, but I’ve ordered the " mummy’s lump" book as that seems perfect, have you told your 5yr old yet ?
Im sorry you find yourself on here but hopefully will find some support
Karen x

Hi Karen,
thanks - it’s so refreshing to talk to people who know what your going through! Yes, i told my daughter the same that i had a lump in my boobie which needed to be taken out in case it makes me poorly, iv now told her that i need to have some medicine in a few weeks to make sure it doesn’t come back- she seems to have coped with this fine and i just answer any questions she has as they arise. I haven’t told her about my hair falling out or being sick yet as i d rather wait til i know when my first chemo is so she is not left wondering when this is going to happen.
I have the ‘mummy’s lump’ book which is really good, however I haven’t used it yet, will just use it as a guide as although it is really clear and simple it has the word cancer written throughout and i havent said this to her as don’t want her getting negative vibes about it e.g like adverts on t.v or overhearing a conversation- everyone manages it differently I suppose. Its so hard isnt it, the hardest part of all this was the effect it would have on my kids although the 1 year old is obviously oblivious but I worry so much about my daughter but I think shes more resilient than I give her credit for.
I spoke to the pastoral worker at her school who has been great, she told me on the day before my op that my daughters class did an activity called ‘share&tell’, my daughter stood up in front of her class and shared how I was going into hospital the next day to have an operation on my boobie, I didn’t know whether to laugh or cry but was so proud of her, she never told me she did this but I am so pleased she is able to talk about it!

Good luck for tomorrow, I will be thinking of you!
Sarah x