Advice for my mum x


My mum was diagnosed over 3 years ago with secondary breast cancer which has spread to her ribs, lungs, chest and back. She underwent radiotherapy on the breast and has been on herceptin for 2 and a half years. She was also on docitaxel but took an allergic reaction so was changed to tablet form. Currently still on herceptin and taking hormone therapy amarastin (not sure on spelling sorry)

For the past 3 weeks she has been sick nearly everyday, have asked oncologist and he has given her steroids (dexamethasone) and anti sickness tablets but they do not seem to be working.

Other symptoms include dizziness, headache, lack of appetite, ringing in ear and “tunnel vision”

Has anyone experienced this? I really don’t know what to do to help… Everything has been fine since she was diagnosed, treatment just became part of our lives, we have always kept positive and got on with life but recently she won’t even get out her dressing gown.

Hope to speak to you soon.

Ruth xxx

Sorry to hear about your Mum, Ruth. Although I have bone mets I don’t have any experience of how your Mum is feeling. Just wanted to bump this up in case anyone else can help and also add that she should talk to her oncologist or BCN again as things have gone on for over 3 weeks now?
Good Luck

Ruth this must be so worrying for you. Have you spoken again to the onc. because there are many other types of anti-sickness meds. and it may be a case of trying different ones till one of them works for mum. Does she have a macmillan nurse you can talk to? They can be very helpful for family as well, and also to liaise with hospital, gps etc. if you feel she is not getting the treatment she needs.


Thanks for the replies girls, Mum has a full CT scan including head next week so if there is anything wrong then it will show up on that :frowning: Hopefully its just a reaction to one of the treatments shes getting and we can have it changed. Has everyone been ok on herceptin? How long have u been on it? Mum been on 3 weekly transfusion for 2 and a half years now xxx

Mum had CT scan on Monday and doctor called on Tuesday to say he needed to see her urgently. They have found 2 spots on her brain and she has to start radiotherapy on Monday for 10 days. Has anyone else experienced this? Really need some advice x

Hi Ruthy
I am sorry that I am not much help for you - my Mum also has BC but is not having the same treatments/symptoms as your Mum, but I just thought I wish you and your Mum all the best and bump this up for you.
Esbee x

Hi both
I am in same situation and send my virtual good wishes and hugs. My mum had BC first time 18 years ago with mastectomy and tamoxifen. 5 years ago the same but this time it had spread. Initally bones (hip and small bit on spine) and all ‘ok’ for 5 years. Then vision problems, numb face and tongue… found out 3 weeks ago it has spread through all her spine, more in hip, bit in lungs and there was the head… another scan showed skull base mets and leptomeningineal mets. Floored. Mum is mid 10-day radio and also on chemo drugs. Know how you feeling. How are things???
Asking mother nature to look after your mums and mine