Anyone Her2 posiive and had a baby?

Anyone Her2 posiive and had a baby?

Anyone Her2 posiive and had a baby? I was wondering as I have not asked the Oncologist the dreaded question.

Has anyone who is Her 2 +++ and had the Herceptin had a baby after the treatment? Just curious.



HER2 + and wanting a baby Hi Mandy

I am HER2+ and ER++. I am taking Tamoxifen for 2 years (started August last year) and just had my 5th Herceptin.

I am hoping that in October 2008 I shall be able to start trying for a baby.

I have told my Oncologist (as I will be on Tamoxifen for 2 years and not the standard 5). He said this was OK as the first couple of years of the drug is the most crucial.

Apparently it is recommended that you wait 12 months after Herceptin has finished and about 2-3 months after Tamoxifen.

I would also be interested to hear from anyone who has had a baby post treatment.


Scared ti will come back Hi

My predicament is that I had pre-eclampsia with my first baby (dx with BC when she was 9 months).

Apparently it was a rare pre-eclapsia where she benefited (8lb 15oz at 37 weeks) and I suffered. I put on 5 stone in 9 weeks with fluid!!! The Cardiologist said it may be worse next time.

I am also terrified that if I did get pregnant, would the BC come back?

I am grateful that I have a child and know how lucky I am but sometimes I get that feeling where I am desperate for another baby and then other days I am fine.

I look forward to hearing what other people think and feel and anyone who has had a baby after BC…
