Anyone approached for Supremo trial

Ive been asked to consider going on the Supremo Trial which is radiotherapy for people with breast cancer and who would not normally be offered radiotherapy but have 3 or less nodes affected. Anyone on it or decided not to do it?
Lyn x.

Hi Lyn
Just received call from BCN who advised me that the MDT had a meeting this morning to discuss whether or not I need radiotherapy. I had 1 lymph node involved out of 20 and 1cm clear margin away from the skin at the site of the tumour. The tumour was in my milk duct 3.5cm and DCIS 5cm.
She told me the team agreed that there was still 50/50 chance of radiotherapy and asked if I’d consider going on the Supremo Trial. I will be seeing my oncologist in 2 weeks to discuss however I am 14 days post MX and recon so still recovering.

Will have to discuss with oncologist before I makeantsy decision.
Dani x

Hi i have signed up to the supremo trial, i was given some written info and as i was told i would not be getting rads routinely as i only had 3 +ve nodes it seemed a good idea, it gave me a 50/50 chance of it. I had a long chat with one of the team and she went away and put my info into the system, it came back that i would be getting rads. I signed lots of consents to agree to use of tissue and bloods for research etc.

hiya - i finished my chemo in july and when i saw the onco to get my tamoxifen prescription i asked about rads. i originally had a lumpectomy but didnt get clear margins so am getting a double mx and recon in october. she said that after a mx i wouldnt normally get rads - i was grade 2, 3cm lump with 1 node out of 29 affected. she said i fall into ‘indiscriminate’ group, where its not clear about the benefit, so normally they would not give it to me .
but she said about supremo trial and if i would be interested. i said i was so have to go back and see her after ive had my mx and yake it from there. obviously theres no gurantee i would get rads, even on the trial, but im happy to take part, im not going to lose anyting by saying yes.

I was offered it but made the difficult decision to say no. I am already doing a drug trial and after mx, DIEP recon and chemo I had had more than enough and couldn’t face any more treatment.

I was borderline for radio after my Mx, with 2 nodes affected, 2 nodes with micro mets & grade 3 so would have been eligible for the trial. Because my presentation is unusual in the lymph node but not in the breast and after discussion with my onc, we decided the trial wouldn’t really be suitable & to go ahead with rads anyway.

S x