Arimidex and night sweats

I am in my third year on Arimidex for a recurrence of BC in the same breast. The flushes during the day have almost stopped but the night ones are relentless - I wake about 3 times every night, hot and wet. And when I wake up in the morning I ALWAYS have a hot flush. My oncologist does not believe this but I know it is true.
My question is do the night sweats ever get less on Arimidex or have I got another 3 years misery ahead?


I am also in my 3rd year and have found the night sweats have diminished except in VERY warm temperatures. I take Clonidine from noon onwards and they really make a difference.

I find the flushes worst late afternoon and early evening.

Fingers crossed for you.

You have my sympathy as I am on arimidex and have regular sweats day and night . My GP suggested Clonidine but I am not keen to try another drug which can affect your blood pressure. Bean.